Bear Rules
Yesterday's scores:
Gills: no Simpsons: yes Tesco: no (wich is poor coz we needid to go an exchange der kettle we bort cos it's defunct) Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 9/10 Day Score: 7.3116/10
Well I think it's time to explain about Bears And Rules.
Bears are loyal and onnist. They hav a code of conduct called the Bear Essenshols(not be confused wiv the Bear Nessessities damn yu, Walt! Thats wot yu get wen yu leave a mowse in charge!). In this code are rules to help liv a simpol life (sum bears wud say that just livin among yu Not-A-Bears made it a simpol life enuff. I cuddent possibly comment. I hav my sponsor to think ov). Here are jus some of the Bear Rules:
- a car shud always hav a navigaytor on the dashbord;
bears mayk the best ones. Yu can also have reverse-navigators in ther bak window. Fer sum reason, nodding dogs do this rarther well. - tishoos need to be isshooed by trayned bears. Female Not-A-Bears may help themselves on occazon, but Male Not-A-Bears NEVER get there in time.
- there must be at least 2 in the bed at a time an wun ov them shud idealy be a bear.

1 comment: that's why so many cars have cuddlies sitting on the dashboard! LOL!
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