Crismos is coming (the Dilly is getting fat...)
Gills: no Simpsons: yes Tesco: yes Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 8/10 (poor) Day Score: 7/10
I don't think I menshonned that I did my letter to Farther Crismos resently. If yu havent alreddy dun yours it's a bit late now. Yu may as well hit the pre-season sales an get what yu want yorself. Enyway, heer is wat I wrote (not much, as I'm a very Resonabol Bear)...

"Dear Farver Crismos,
"Hullo it's Bob T. Bear (esq.) heer. I've been a gud Bear agen an if enywun sez I've not then it's a lie, an yu shuddent giv THEM enything for starters. (Ar yu going to arsk Dilly?)
"I hope yu ar having a nice holiday.
"Please this year can I hav a noo futbol shert. Mr. Scally, the twit ov silly-futbol-chairman fame has stopt them selling proper kits fer bears, but just a T-shert wiv "Gills" on it will do.
"An an an if possibol, cud I hav sumthing to do wiv Spongebob Squarepants an also sumthing about Lisa Simpson (sheez luvley).
"If yu want, we can do the saym arrangement as larst year re. the refreshments- I'll leev a minse pie an sum whiskie by the fireplace, an yu can leev the choklit peanuts by my bed.
"Thank yu!
"Bob T. Bear (esq.)"
I wonder if Dilly has dun hers yet.
Bye fer now!
Oh Bob, I do hope Father Christmas brings you everything you hope for. What is Dilly wishing for? Are you going to help her do her own letter, like a god big brother?
I mean GOOD big brother! LOL
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