WARNING: This blog is ritten in Bear English, wich is phonetic. An that is mor than yu can say abowt the werd "phonetic".

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Withowt Daddy an Grayum...

Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: No, but we playd today agenst Hartlepool (full nayme: Hartley Pool ov Pee) an they cheetid an mayde us looz.
  • Simpsons:yes. An Famly Guy, too, wich is a bit rood hehehe!
  • Tesco: no
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 10! Howzat?!! /10
  • Overall Score: 7.631/10

Well Daddy went off to Ireland on Thurzday to stay wiv Granny an Grandad-Poppa for a week. I dident go for obvioss reezons, mostly ov the kidnap an gettin run over ilk, but Grayum haz gon becos he wantid to meet up wiv Mulligan agen. I lent him my soootcayse:
Heer is wat he pakt:Bear T-Shert in cayse he gets too warm (in Ireland?); Gills shorts to ware wen they play (I bet he fergot to put them on today- that'll be wy we lost); sum Euro munny cos they don't hav pownds thare; 3 gummy Bears.

We all gayve him a good send off, as Ireland is a dayngeruss playce for Bears.Wat do yu put in yor soootcayse wen YU go away? Grayum ownly pakt 4 things. If yu cud ownly tayke 4 things, wat wud yu chooz?

I look forwerd to reedin yor arnsers!

By the way, I've bin arskt for an updayte on Mummy. Well she is graduly gettin better. But the uther nite she waz runnin to the loo lots an lots an dident kno if it waz goin to be likwid, solid or gas till she got thare. At wun poynt she moovd the raydio into the barthroom wiv sum magazeens an just sat for harf an hour. Yu kno, like a bloke. HAAAAAAAAA ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!

Bye fer now!


Sally Ann and Andy said...

Bob, you are very smart, and you are such a good big brother for helping you buddy get ready to travel.

Ziggy Stardust said...

I do hope your Mommy is feeling better, I hate when I get a gassy tummy, sometimes I don't make it outside. Oops I guess that was unladylike to share with you, sorry. I hope Grayum is safe in Ireland, Mommy wants very much to visit England and Ireland some day. She dreams of it often. I would pack a bottle of water, as you never know how the water will be and a bag of treats. I would also pack my favorite toy a squeaky hot dog and a blanket. I don't like to sleep on a strange blanket. Mom wanted to tell you, she loves when you laugh, it makes her laugh, sometimes she comes back to watch your videos again.

licks and sniffs, Sasha

Anonymous said...

Family Guy is a bit rude. (giggle) I hope Mum's tummy has settled down.

Buttons the Bear said...

Greetings Bob,

First I'd pack an extra pair of pants (boxers), then my blue jeans if I was wearing my shorts or vice versa, that's two items. Hmm, then I'd pack some dark chocolate M & M's, and some money for honey. I'd pack the honey, but it could just make things a bit sticky.

How's come Grayum only took 3 gummy bears and not 4, like his euros? Just wondering...


CherryPie said...

Well I am glad Mummy is getting better :-)

As to my packing. I pack everything including the kitchen sink and I am still not sure I have enough stuff with me.

Asta said...

I'm so glad you stayed safely at home, and it sounds like youw Mummy can use youw help anyway.
I hope Gwayum stays safe..awe the gummie beaws fow sustenance ow fow twading in case he wuns out of Oowos?
I would pack my fwoggie stuffie, a small bouncy ball, a waincoat, ad wess (just incase thewe is a pawty) and of couwse a big bag of snackies
smoochie kisses

i beati said...

I haven't packed one in 20 years. put underwear and any medical emergecy typr things in a duffle bag maybe one change of clothes. I like to buy when I'm away cats named Darlin are walking on the key bopard and Bitty Bopper is lying on the mouse. !!!!!

Time to go eat bugles

Feronia said...

You gave Grayum a nice send-ff, Bob. I would pack chocolate, a change of undies, my camera and my good friend Woolley B. Bear - but I wouldn't put him in the suitcase! Hope Mummy is feeling much better soon. Has she tried peppermint tea? That helps me when my tummy starts to burp.

Anonymous said...

I would pack a book and my spectacles and a banana and a little tube of cream in case I got stung by a bee or a wasp

Sir Woodstock said...

It seems we both have poorly Mummies!
Hope Graham enjoys his trip away.
In the meantime, I have tagged you Mummy & Dilys!
Hope you decide to play along.


B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

Mack an Sally Ann,

I am glad to see from yor pikcher that yu get the sofa. We Bears get the sofa too.

I'm not reelly Grayum's big bruther as he is a lot older than me. He is a retired teecher. But sumtimes I am like his big bruther cos sumtimes he goze into his secund cubhood!

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...


Mummy sez it is cute that yu hav to hav yor own blankie to sleep on!

I am glad yor Ma likes my larf. I larf lots, I do. I'm a cheerful Bear, mostly.

Yu hav a skweeky hotdog toy? Wow! Is it realistic? Can yu trik peepol wiv it?

I hav plastik flys an I keep leevin them arownd an trikkin Daddy wiv them. I leev them in his brekfast seerial an in the shoogar. HAHAHAHAHA see I'm larffin agen thare.


B.T.Bear (esq.) said...


I like Family Guy! It's cheeky! Yu get to see lots ov pants! Mummy likes Stewie.


B.T.Bear (esq.) said...


yes best not to hav hunny on voyage enyway as the customs men mite steel it for thare elevenses.

Grayum did hav 4 Gummy Bears but he ate wun befor we took the photo. The uther wun waz a purple wun.


B.T.Bear (esq.) said...


Mummy is like that. She paks all kind ov stuff an then ownly wears three things. Sumtimes she fergets her nitedress or pajarmas an so we hav to go an buy sum. She haz dun this lots ov times. Sumtimes she just steels wun ov Daddy's t-sherts. Or if weer at Granny's Granny lends her a Granny-nytie an we all larf.

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...


Oooo! I dident think of that! I wunder if they ar for trade as well as Scooby-snax? He mite be goin to swap them for sumthing ov Mulligan's. Hmmm...

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

i beati,

I am glad to see that fresh pants ar top ov yor list! Wa-hey! Yu wud be fun to travol wiv for shor!

Get off the keebord, cats! LOL!

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

ah I am glad yu wud remember yor Bear frend! But no, he shuddent go in the cayse. Grayum did that an he went throo the xray masheen at the airport an it messed up his brain beads. For aiges arfterwoods he had sumwun else's memory an thort he had been a fyter pilot in the 2nd world war. Man, did we hav to listen to sum stuff!

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...


Oh! Fergot!

No, I don't think she has tryd peppermint tea yet. She has been drinking ginger tea.

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...


Hullo my littol incognito frend!

I note yu dident pak eny underware. IS this wy yu dident tell us hoo yu wer?


Duzz feedin beez an wasps cream werk? I serpoze it wud- it wud mayke them like yu an so they wuddent sting yu then. Good wun!


B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

Sir Woodstock,

Hallo thare! Yes, I don't kno wat has happend to their stamina, huh?

Ooo! Taggd? I'm off to investigayte then... cheers!

Stardust said...

Yu meen Bears dun't need parsports? Yu hav wun, dun't yu? =P

Oke, I olweys bring Stitchy, iv yu noe hoo. Pants ar gud, gud to have plenty. Munny, yeah. Larstly, my camera!

Mummy ain't well? Heer, take my squeeze an pound on her, it'll drive out the bads from her tummy... I hope. Healing hugs...

Morgan in Pittsburgh said...

Hope your mummy soon feels better. I would pack a leash, water, food and a toy (maybe extra food)
your pal, Morgan

Sally Ann and Andy said...

I've nominated you for an award. Go to my blog to get it.

Bumpkin Hill said...

Hi Bob, I hope your Mum is feeling better! It must have been sad saying goodbye to your friend, hopefully you'll get to go to Ireland next time :) Pop over to my blog to see a bear in red wellies :) Bear Hugs x

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...


I am glad yu pak plenty pants wen yu travol!!!

I hav a parssport wen I travol but Grayum stowes away in Daddy's ruksak. I hope he rememberd to close his eyes wen he went throo the xray masheen at the airport this time!!

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...


A leesh? Wuddent yu want to run free on yor hollyday? Oh, sekund thorts, maybe it is so yor Ma duzzent get lost. Ha! Yes that must be it!

Defnitly pak food!

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

MAck an Sally Ann

An award????
Oh goody!
Duzz it come wiv choklit??



B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

Bumpkin Bears,

Ah yes, I like red wellys! I'll be rite over!
