WARNING: This blog is ritten in Bear English, wich is phonetic. An that is mor than yu can say abowt the werd "phonetic".

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Puttin up Granny's Crismoss tree

Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: No, but we thrasht Stockport 3-1 the uther day- HUZARR!
  • Simpsons: yes, 2 episodes- aint Crissmoss grayte?
  • Tesco: yes, we went reelly layte!
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 10 got Henry wen he waz pozin in frunt ov a mirror. Innist that Bear is sutch a pozer he dident see me comin eevn wiv a mirror in frunt ov him. Tsk! /10
  • Overall Score: 8.56932- it's gettin Crismossy!!!/10

Hurray! Weer at Granny's!!!!

We had to call a car doctor owt an put in a new battery (funny, I never knew cars ran on batterys like that bunny) an we had to drive a long time to avoid snow an aksidents, but we got heer layte Munday.

Soon as we got heer, we helpt put up Granny's Crismoss tree wile Mummy cookt a beef stew, wich waz scrum an mayde me feel awl warm an cozy.

This is Granny's tree, wich I helpt decorayte.
Sum ov the decoraytshuns hav Bears on.
(In fakt, all the best wuns do.

This is Granny's "crib" wich haz an awful lot ov dragons in it!!

Heer is our Advent Calendar. Yu get a pikcher behind eech windo, an they ar numberd 1 to 25. Yu open wun a day, startin on 1st December. Yewzly they stop at 24, but this wun haz an extra wun for Crismoss Day!

This is windo number 24, the big bloo wun. I bet that the pikcher will be ov peepol in a staybol. It yewzly is on day 24. Perhaps number 25 will hav Santa?

Thare issent as mutch snow heer but it is still enuff to mayke Miss Fluffy grumpy abowt havin to go owtside for a wee. Mr Scooter issent botherd. But sumtimes Mummy carrys Miss Fluffy down to the end ov the garden to her pee patch. Wen she carrys her she tuks her in under her jakkit to keep her warm an dry. Granny sez Mummy is spoyling her but Mummy jus sez that's wat cats ar for!

Heer Mr Scooter demonstraytes that no box is too small for a cat to fall asleep in.

Arnty Jo an Hazel cayme to see us today but I cuddent find the camera so I carnt show yu the Bear size caykes we had! They wer calld French Fancies apparently an so Henry, my French cuzzin, thort they wer awl for him! I soon showd him!!

Me an Dilly hav reseevd presents from Julie!!!!

Dilly wiv her present from Julie, under the tree.

Heer's mine! Julie yewsd speshol Bear payper! Wa-hey!

I do hope I get mor as well. I don't meen to sownd ungrayteful, Julie, if yor reedin this, but seein yor present for me has reelly got me in a gettin-presents mood now, an an an I just realized a terribol thing-


an eevn werse-


Oh my! Oh my! Now I am reelly worreed. I don't kno wat to do. Do yu think he will be in eny ov the shops still? Or will he be too bizzy an be wrappin stuff up? Maybe I cud go an see him in a shoppin sentor an tell him that I won't be home I'll be at Granny's an sorry I dident rite.

Enyway I AM a good Bear. I AM. I hope I do get stuff. I'd like sum choklit peanuts, an an an sumthing funny like a book on pants- hehe!- an an an oh I don't kno sum uther stuff for cheeky Bears. Maybe if he reeds my blog he will kno wat to bring me an ware to leev it....... do yu think?

I hope I can log on agen this week!!! This mobile internet connekshun issent very relyabol, so if I carnt get bak on heer, hav a grayte time, evrywun!!!! I'll be thinkin ov all my blogger pals :@} I tell Granny awl abowt yu, yu kno!



Two French Bulldogs said...

You are a good bear. I am sure you helped with the battery and grannys tree!
Nitey nite
Benny & Lily

Sally Ann and Andy said...

You are a good bear, and I know Santa bear will remember you.
Sally Ann

Feronia said...

Have a wonderful Christmas, Bob - I'm sure Santa will find you! x

Stardust said...

Merry Crissmoss Bobber, dough I'm cryin cos dere izn't a single bear on my Crissmoss treee, an so it izn't qwite like a gud wun. Will yu grace my treee den?

Oops, I carn't, fer Santa will have a harder time findin yu, Dun't worry Bob, Santa's smart!

Pleese send my thots to mum an all loved wuns : A very Merry Christmas, and a blessed New Year.

It's the eve here, I'm trying to put sum Crissmossy pants on tonite, how's dat? ;P

Dreadnaught said...

Hey Bob
Fear not, Santa Bear will find you, You can watch him as well on Norad Tracks Santa a really cool site... Anyway be good, Nose hugs to you all....

Best wishes

Lynda (Granny K) said...

Have a terrific Christmas with your loved ones Bob.
I'm sure Santa will find you OK. He's got one of those posh, mobile gadgetyputer-bilberryphones you know, and his elves keep him well informed about everyones whereabouts,.....besides which, he's Magic anorl!
Festive nose hugs, Love, Lynda and the bears.

Julie said...

Don't wurry Bob Santa is very magik and he will know just where you are and how good you have been (most of the time hehehe!) I bet you have lots presents under the tree in the morning. Have a beary Happy Crismoss and be nice to Dilly ;o) xx

Calamity Jane said...

Hi Bob! Merry Christmas to you and Mummy and Daddy and Dilly and to all the bears who live with you. You should getting a surprise visitor in a few days but I haven't been able to point him in the right direction yet cos I've been poorly. Please thank Mummy for me - the card is lovely and she is very kind. Love & hugs CJ xx

Jackie said...

I'm sure Father Christmas will find you at grannys. I hope he finds your Mummy because she deserves some nice presents for all the care she's giving Granny.
Happy Christmas.

Marlowe said...

I'm sure that Santa will remember you. I'm pretty sure that he knows where everyone is-- even if they're not where they usually are. Maybe he has a sixth sense!

Ellie Creek Ellis said...


p.s. Santa will know where you are!

CherryPie said...

Has Santa been?

Buttons the Bear said...

I hope you and yours had a Merry Christmas. We had a beary nice Christmas day here. I may try to post some pictures tomorrow if mmom is recovered enough.

Sandy Kessler said...

lovn the decorations- I see a cute mice tree. Luv to mummy

Shrinky said...

I'm sure Santa foud his way to you, he's magic you know! Mr Scooter looks such a snuggle-bug, he reminds me of Jigglypuff, our late, loved puss. That is some advent calender - isn't it wonderful? Happy New Year Bob, hope it's a good one for all you and yours (x).