WARNING: This blog is ritten in Bear English, wich is phonetic. An that is mor than yu can say abowt the werd "phonetic".

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

At werk, watch this spayce, doods!


Well Daddy has bort me a Bear-size laptop! WA-HEYYY!!!! I hav to let Mummy yewz it too, thare waz that condishun. But she haz to find it ferst. He dident say enything abowt hiding it. Hahaha.

I am werkin on a littol re-lornch ov my blog. I am goin to re-do the hedder an get a foto ov me an my diarys in it. I am lerning bowt how to do it, but it's a differcult book to lern. So if yu hav dun it to yor hedder let me noe how yu manniged it. (Mummy did her own hedder on her blog but she carnt remember how. D'oh!)

Ok! See yu soon, Bear fans!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't ferget me, will yu?



Anonymous said...

I'm watching and watching and watching... and watching and watching... nothing's changed yet. (giggle)

WOO-HOO! A NEW LAPTOP - Oopsie, didn't mean to blow your ears out. Your Daddy is the bear-y-est best!

Feronia said...

Looking forward to seeing you soon, Bob! :)

Buttons the Bear said...

Hey hey Bob! A new computer is great!! Even if it did come with conditions. Can't wait to see your improovements.

I can't forget about you and your mum, I thinks about you both often.

Lynda (Granny K) said...

Forget you Bob? - Never! ever!

Tweeep! Nose hug!

Fraid all I can do by way of headers is by going into layout and uploading a picture, and some werds underneaf. A bit pafetic I no, but it werks fer me.

Beanie Mouse said...

When you're in your blog, up at the top there's a word "Dashboard", click on that. THen you'll get the Bob T Bear and underneath that, a line of other words including "Settings". Click on "Settings". That'll take you to another page which will have "Bob T Bear Header" on it which is where you put your header photo. I hope that helps!!

Beanie Mouse said...

WHOOPS!! It's not "Settings" it's "Design"!!!!! ahem, where's the beer?

Julie said...

How could we forget you Bob? Yor SuperBob! Have fun with the new laptop but let Mummy have a go too.

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

THANKS Beanie!!!!

CherryPie said...

I shall look into how to change the header, it is a long time since I used blogger...

In the while give mummy a little loving she needs it ;-) Oh! and maybe she would like a little bit of chocolate too!

Marlowe said...

I think a new laptop is great! Maybe you can agree with your mom on using hours-- like you get all the day light time and she gets all the night time.

Stardust said...

I lyke evorything bear sized! Am luking forward to yur new luk! Header yu said? Um.. Go Design, underneath the blue 'Navbar'there yu have yur header, an go edit!


Beanie Mouse said...

It's a pleasure, Bob!! I've been reading about all your earlier adventures too!! Your blog is brilliant!

Beanie Mouse said...

By the way, do you need a new Scarf? Tango has two of them, and he's modelling them on my beanie mouse blog. (well, he doesn't have his own blog yet so I don't really mind!) But if you'd like one, we can send it to you?