WARNING: This blog is ritten in Bear English, wich is phonetic. An that is mor than yu can say abowt the werd "phonetic".

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Bear choklit!!!

Weekend's scores:
  • Gills:Yes! We beat Stockport Cownty (but thare is no cownty calld stockport wich just goze to sho wat cheetin scum they ar) 2 - 1!!!
  • Simpsons: No. But I did see Family Guy an it was rood!
  • Tesco: Yes, we did a big shop so I had time to frolik in the pants sekshun an then I rode on the trolley all the way to the car.
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 10 got Daddy just as he fell asleep agen arfter his alarm wen he thort he waz safe hahaha /10
  • Overall Score: 7.68682/10

Heer's a pikcher ov me arfter the totcheruss bath I was put throo. Mummy at leest thort to rap me up in sum pants for a towel arfterwerds, to lessen the trorma....
As yu can see, my ferrr went a littol bit on the rong side ov spike. So I dident go owt for a wile.... then Grandad Poppa an Granny Ireland cayme over from Ireland for a few days, so we went to meet them....

it waz a rainy day, wich is wy Dilly is warin her silly rain hat, eevn INSIDE the car-As soon as we met up wiv Granny Ireland, she arskt Grandad Poppa, "Ware did I put that choklit I bort for Bob?"
OH MY!!!!
Granny Ireland bort ME choklit!!! JUST for ME!!!! Nowun elss got eny!!!

Speshol Bear choklit from Betty's tea rooms, up in Yorkshire! They had been up thare ferst, I ferget wat they went thare for, probly just to buy my choklits.


Bye fer now!


Asta said...

Thank dog fow youw Gwanma Iweland and youw Gwanpoppa Dad
those choklits should make you fowget the hoomiliation and twauma of that dweaded baf
smoochie kisses

Buttons the Bear said...

Chocolate bears, yum! But they look too cute to eat. Sure was thoughtful of your grandma Ireland.

Bob you look no worse for wear. Glad to see you've recovered after your bath, in fact you look pretty good!

Anonymous said...

I don't take baths, I take showers. Feels like I'm naked in the rain. (giggle)

Neat chocolate bears in ebony and ivory.

Asta said...

I hope those falling smoochies didn't stawtle you.
Thanks fow the beaw dance of health fow my fwiend..too many fwiends keep getting sick and it makes me vewy sad
smoochie kisses

Daisy said...

Bob, I think your furs look fine. You got a real nice Granny and Grandad!

Marlowe said...

That was very nice of your grandparents to buy you some chocolate!

Shrinky said...

Awwww, how special is that? Your granny is fab! I used to live near Betty's Tearooms in Harrogate - oh my, those cakes there are to DIE for, or at least they were when I was 15..!

Congratulations on surviving your bath (smile).

Lynda (Granny K) said...

You look just the same as before Bob, better wivout catsick.

Betty's is a brilliant place, but you have to queue up outside the one in York to get a table. Their swiss hot chocolate with cream on is just like heaven, but I always drink mine too fast. It has a million-squillion calories in, that's why it tastes so good.

Sullivan McPig said...

Hmmmmm chocolate...

BumbleVee said...

weyhey.... little bears ...

hmmmm....I think I need a choklit right about now ... and I don't have a Grandad or Gran to get me any... I'll just have to shop for me own.... I do have to go pay some bills.... maybe I'll stop in at the shop ... yum....

CherryPie said...

I think you are looking quite fine and dandy after your bath ordeal ;-)

Stardust said...

Bob! Yu luk all fresh en cleen. Reelly!

Dose chocklits ar to die fer! Too cute to be eeten!!

I dunno but yur pickchers ar luking Crismossy so it reelly cheers up my day. Hugs...

Feronia said...

Nice one Bob! Those choccies look majorly yum!!

Anonymous said...

"There is clearly a whole lot to know about this. I feel you produced some good factors in Attributes also.Retain working ,great career!"

Orry the Terroriser said...

I hope you enjoyed your choklit more than your bath Bob! I'm a border terroriser an I hate baths too. What could be nicer than smelling of fox poo!! My mummy is going to Harrogate soon, but she says dogs are not allowed choklit.

The humans are having an arguement/debate in our house - how do you pronounce Gillingham? Is it a hard G or the other? They don't know, being daft northerners (but not as daft as Stockport folks).
woof from Orry

Jackie said...

I'm jealous..I love Bettys. especially their Fat rascals...
Perhaps you should have had a fat rascal instead?

Mousie said...

aren't you beautiful on these photos, all of you !!! fancy giving me a little piece of chocolate ? thanks my darling little bear...

Ellie Creek Ellis said...

Grammas are so good, aren't they? Glad you got to go see gramma and pa...and dilly's hat? that's just a girly thing...pay it no heed!