WARNING: This blog is ritten in Bear English, wich is phonetic. An that is mor than yu can say abowt the werd "phonetic".

Thursday, January 13, 2011

An annownsement

Reesent scores:
  • Gills: we keep winning! I put it down to the grayte new bloo pants I bort Mummy for Crissmoss, extra large, for the waring on the head opshun.
  • Simpsons: No, but we keep watching Family Guy, wich is fun. I do miss Lisa but Family Guy is rood!!!!
  • Tesco: Yes I've had a few rides on Tesco trolleys lately yeeeehhhar!
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: I'm avaridging a 9.5 theez days /10
  • Overall Score: yewzjerly a 7.6ish/10

Well heer's the thing, laydeez an germs, an it's a bit ov an annownsement.

Mummy, hoom yu'll noe is my sekritry arownd heer, is having to tayke a wee brayke from blogging cos ov not bein well. This will probly meen me tayking a bit ov a brayke too. I noe, it's sad, int it? I do want to be nipping in now an then, wen I can, like. But I don't noe wen, that's the thing. I'll miss yu all.

So I'll nip in wenever I can. Pleez clik to follow me if yu havent allredy, then yu'll noe wen I've been abol to update.

Until then, tayke ov yorselfs! Nose hugs!!!!


Feronia said...

You take good care of Mummy, Bob. Woolley & I look forward to seeing you in cyberspace soon! :)

Two French Bulldogs said...

All our paws are crossed for mummy
Benny & Lily

Stardust said...

Ohh Bobber, yu'll be missed! Tayke care dere and all at home. Bear hugs..

Pleese cum back!

BumbleVee said...

You and Dilly do your level best to help out wherever you can okay?...

Tell your Mum we all are thinking good thoughts and maybe if enough of us all think it... good things will happen...

see you soon...

hugs, BumbleVee

Beanie Mouse said...

I was wondering where you'd gone. Tango says he hopes you got that Joke he sent you. And tell Mummy to get better soon.

i beati said...

Perhaps I should send some love back to Mummy Thanks helped me with my Evie cries..

Lynda (Granny K) said...

I know you'll be a good carfterer, Bob. Love you lots, GrannyK x

Marlowe said...

I hope your Mom feels better soon. I'm sure that you and Dilly will keep good care of her!

mrsnesbitt said...

You are right Bob - mummy needs you to help her right now - and being the good bear you are, we all know you will do a good job. Lots of love, Dxxx

Asta said...

I'm weepy wight now thinking that youw Mummy is so poowly that I won't be seeing you and dilly and fwolicking wif you and wooting fow youw team and just smiling at youw wondewful anticks and musings.
I will miss you and always think of you and look at youw fwolicking pictoowe that is on my wefwidgewatow evewy day
Pleez come back when you can and meantime give youw mum all ouw love and good wishes and pwayews that she gets bettew.
Sometimes Mommi wants toquit because heawing sad things about fwiends makes hew so vewy vewy sad, but we'll twy to stay awound so that we can see you come back
love and smoochie kisses wif choklit bikkies on top

Anonymous said...

Sweet Nurse Bob, (yes, boys can be called nurses) Please pass a message to Mummy thanking her for the pretty card. It looks like stained glass. I'm sending "get well" energy vibes through the internet straight to your house. Nose Hugs. Your friend, Chewy.

CherryPie said...

Sending some nose hugs for Mummy :-)

Buttons the Bear said...

So sorry to hear about your break. But I understand how it can be being dependent on secretaries. They just don't or won't type when they aren't feeling well or over welmed. Have been missing and will continue to miss your amusing posts till you are back.

Tell your mom we think about her and all that is on her "plate", that is not chocolate. Hope she is feeling better and rested soon.

You and Dilly be helpful care givers.
Try to make her smile at least once every day. Special hugs and prayers for you all from us.

Calamity Jane said...

Take care of Mummy, young master Bob. I have been thinking of all of you a lot lately, have been trying to start blogging again myself but I have writer's block, sniff. Tell Mummy if she ever needs someone else to talk to she could call one of the numbers in the card I sent - I am usually about about. Nose hugs back to you all xx

Ann Christy said...

I Hope Mummy is much better very soon Bob. I am sure that you will be taking good care of her.

Jerry and Ben said...

Take care of your Mom Bob, hope you come back soon. Your pals, Jerry and Ben

Beanie Mouse said...

Hello Bob!! Me and Tango sent you and Dilly a package yesterday. We blogged about it just now!!! Hope it cheers everyone up at your house.