WARNING: This blog is ritten in Bear English, wich is phonetic. An that is mor than yu can say abowt the werd "phonetic".

Thursday, September 08, 2011


Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: No
  • Simpsons: Yes, but it was a 'Treehouse of Horror' episode an theyer not as good. AND sumthing bad always happens to Lisa in them!
  • Tesco: No
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: oops fergot to do this /10
  • Overall Score: 7ish/10

It's abowt time I did an update! Sorry but I need a new sekriterry, I think!!!!

Miss Peach...

Thanks for yor messidges larst time. Shor aint the sayme wivowt Miss Peach. I sorta feel bad for not goin to her blog evry time she updaytid now. Wish I had. But I noe she had tuns ov frends, an always got lots ov frendly messidges. So that's good. Me an Mummy an Dilly sat down an red her blog bak a reelly reelly long way. It mayde us smile cos she waz sutch a speshol Not-A-Bear.

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....Meanwile our cat's gon camping...
Mr Scooter has a tent now!! Mummy bort it in a camping shop sale. She got it cos he luvs to be owtside an duzzent like to hav to come in wen it raynes. So now he lies in his tent on his fayvrit blankie, owt in the garden, no matter wat. He luvs it. He tryd to get in it as Mummy an Daddy wer puttin it together, he cuddent wayte! Now it has to come indors at nite too, so he can stay in it at nite. Utherwise he won't come in. They've had to carry it in wiv him IN IT three times.

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Oops...Belaytid Thankyues needid...

I shud hav sed lots ov days ago that Beanie, an Jerry & Ben, an Hammie hav sent me sum grayte stuff this summer an I want to send a big thankyu Bear hug to them! I've had postcards an sweets an all sorts! I luv gettin mail. I'm sorry I dident blog abowt all my presents sooner.

Beanie sent a postcard wiv a pikchur ov a lady's pants on it, an anuther time he sent me a beer mat. He dident put it in an envlope, just put a stamp on the beer mat! I larft so mutch I neerly burst my beads! Jerry & Ben sent me an Dilly sum stikkers (brill!) an Hammie incloodid munchy biskits!!! Wa-hey!

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September 19th is Talk Like A Pirate Day.
Will yu join in? Weer goin to hav a fun day wiv piratey stuff like shiverin timbers an avastin me hartys! Beanie has allreddy sent me sum dubloons for me trezshur, ahhhh! An hopefully I 'll be abol to get Dilly to join in agen wiv a gayme ov Walk The Plank...... jhee jhee jhee!!!

The website abowt the day is heer. I hope yu can join in!! How abowt I put up a 'Mr Linky' thing on the day, an we can all blog-hop an see wat stuff weer all up to????

Let me noe watcha fink!!!!!


Di said...

Hello Bob - welcome back me hearty! Ooops, I'm a bit early - sorry!! Love and hugs, Di xx

Beanie Mouse said...

Glad you liked the beer mat!! I've sent flipflop shoes in the mail too, without any wrappings on!!! They're REALLY funny! I might send you one as well, I have a couple that need decorating and posting.... Hmmm.....

sandyland said...

September 19 is kiss your Sandy Day It's my birthday !!k

Beanie Mouse said...

I just remembered!!! That Art shop on my blog that Mummy went OOoooOOOoooOOOoo over, they had Bear Sized Pensols there!!!! In lots of different colours!!!!

Buttons the Bear said...

Hey Bob thanks for the updates.

Especially enjoyed your camping cat. Lol!

Hope and plan to talk like a Pirate on the 19th. But we'll see, been having trouble with me secretary too. More so since grandma has come to live with us.

Jerry and Ben said...

You're Welcome Bob! Glad you and Dilly enjoyed them!

Julie said...

Hello Bob, good to see you :-) I used to go indoor campin too but noone picked me up in my tent ;-) I used to pretend to be a cat and drink mylk out of a sorcer.

Feronia said...

Hi Bob! Good to hear all your news!! Mr Scooter's Cat Tent sounds great :)
Hugs x

BumbleVee said...

why don't you try one of those space pods for Mr. Scooter or... maybe there is a cat size tent type of thing...? seems to me I've seen them somewhere... I know Daisy has a pod...but, hmm... maybe she also has the tent type thingy or.... it will come to me later where I saw one for cats..... now where the dickens was that?.....

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Careful around the humans when they are in the flip flop shoes. Sometimes they can trip and you don't want to be underneath of them.

Birthday Bear said...

Thanks for the update. You told a funny story about Mr Scooter. My humans will be away on the 19th and I can't use the computer without their help even though I have my very own blog which is a different address:

Lynda (Granny K) said...

Hello shipmate! Just got back from a week away in Cromer. It was loverly an' we only saw one pirate the whole time. xx