WARNING: This blog is ritten in Bear English, wich is phonetic. An that is mor than yu can say abowt the werd "phonetic".

Sunday, August 19, 2012


At last!!!!!!!!! The new bit for the compewter arrivd, so I can bring yu the results of the Synchronised Sitting Event. Wa-hey!!!

Well, standards this time wer extreemly hie. Judging was very difficult! But heer goze-

GOLD MEDAL TIE: Buttons: judges wer partikewly impresst wiv the bum seats an dubble decker, an Alexander Mackensie Bear, for perfik synchronissity.

SILVER MEDAL TIE: Asta, for multi-dimenshunal pozishunung, and Sally Ann an Andy: for the sheer look of consentrayshun on Angel Mack's face.

BRONZE MEDAL TIE: Beanie- judges luvd the conga pozishun partikely, and Jerry & Ben for the Pyramid.

As for my teams, we dident think it was rite to giv owselves a medal, so we ar just goin to eet loads ov choklit peanuts insted!!!!!

Pleez mayke shor I hav yor address for yor prize an sertifficayte. Email me at skutter8 "at" hotmail "dot" com.

Thanks to evrywun for tayking part!!!!!


Bob T Bear (esq)


Alexander Mackenzie Bear said...

Yay!!!! Did I read that right?? A gold medal for Alexander Mackenzie Bear& Team?? Ohhhh... he is so pleased!

Jerry and Ben said...

Wow! It sure was beary fun to participate, and beary happy to have won a medal! Even better that we tied with our good pal Beanie! Thanks for hosting Bob!

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Oh wow, young Taddy is just bouncing on the bed right now. Charlie is just clapping for him. He is saying thank you thank you.
Sally Ann and Andy

Two French Bulldogs said...

congratulations on all the medals!
Benny & Lily

Lynda (Granny K) said...

Well done everywon! Congratulations!

Buttons the Bear said...

Bob thank-you, the team here is all excited about another Gold Medal. They are glad they practiced so hard to hone their synchronization skills.

Thanks for hosting the event Bob!

Beanie Mouse said...
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Beanie Mouse said...

BRONZE??? Team Tango got a BRONZE?!! They'll be tickled pink blue and green!! How fab is that?!

Jerry and Ben said...

Hey Bob, don't forget Dilly's awesome ribbon performance; we think she deserves a gold medal too!

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Hi Bob,
Charlie and Taddy weren't sure if you had their snail - mail address. Could you reply to this comment, as Mommy is just daft. She won't leave it here, we don't know why.
Eskie hugs and Welsh kisses

Feronia said...

Well done everyone!

Birthday Bear said...

Beary well done ebrybear

Asta said...

I got a tie fow silvew and Mommi didn't tell me?????
I will nevew fowgive hew. I am honowed and awed and vewy gwateful
I did love pawticipating
Thank you evew so much
Soochie kisses