WARNING: This blog is ritten in Bear English, wich is phonetic. An that is mor than yu can say abowt the werd "phonetic".

Thursday, September 06, 2012


Menny apologeez for the long paws in serviss.
We hope to be bak soon.
Meenwile, heer's a pikcher ov me nayked.


In the tradishonal spirit ov intermishuns,
pleez hum a tewn wile yu look at this pikcher.

Bob T Bear (esq)


Jerry and Ben said...


Very fun picture Bob, we're so GLAD you are back!

Big hi and hugs to Dilly!

Your pals, Jerry and Ben

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

Hi J & B! Gosh, I still hav to post my foto ov me waring yor medal!!!!

BTW I passed on yor hug to Dilly. She's akchewly asleep, so don't tell her.


Beedeebabee said...

This is the cutest blog in Blogland! I know just where to come when I need a smile! xo

Buttons the Bear said...

Hi Bob! I see you are airing out your Bearthday suit. I read some where that Benjamin Franklin took a daily air bath.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh Bob there you are !
Benny & Lily

Beanie Mouse said...

Hey dickety boo
We like to look at yoo!

(you said to hum a tune, and what better than a Winnie T Pooh hum?!)

Lynda (Granny K) said...

Oooh Bob! You are just like James Bond, only better! xxxx

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

See you soon cutie pie.. Hugs GJ xx

The Teddy Bear Family said...

Bare bear! Wa-hey!

(We love being bare bears, but fear if we go au naturale Mommy and Daddy will too.)

Alexander Mackenzie Bear said...

Great to see you back Bob! You definitely have a rare talent for being a bare bear! That pose... that look... all of the female bears are swooning!

CherryPie said...

I know what you are up to. You are hoping for an article in the Sun ;-)

BumbleVee said...

Wow.... Burt Reynolds has nothing on you Bob!!

Ziggy Stardust said...

Thanks for the naked picture. I hope everything is ok and didn't lose your shirt and pants gambling or something.

Tomorrow(19th)be Talk like a Pirate Matey.

Loveys Sasha(onerary bear)
(Short Legs Freckle Belly)

Di said...

Just reported you to The Society For Keeping Bears Looking Dignified At All Times.

Mind you, you do look rather fetching Bob :)

Hugs, Di xx

i beati said...

How will I sleep nights?/