OK, I'll tell yu!
Yesterday's scores:
- Gills: no
- Simpsons: yes
- Tesco: no
- Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: no time for this!/10
- Day Score:7 ish /10
Sum reelly good entrys for the Olympik Synchronized Sitting Event comin in allreddy! Thank yu for taykin part! The dedline is midday UK time Saturday. In the arftanoon I'll put up all the entrys, an on Sunday I'll annownce the winner.
I've had emayles arskin to kno wat the prize is, an eevn wun that sed that serten peeps wer goin on Synchronizayshun strike till they knew wat it waz! I serspekt that must hav bin wun ov the yunger competitors. Or greener. Hah!
OK, heer's the prize. It's 3 things:
Ferst, we hav a brand new Paddington Bear pencil cayse. If yu don't keep pensils, theez ar also good for puttin yor toothbrush in wen yu go to yor Granny's. Heer- I've mezurd mine nex to it to mayke shor!
Next, I hav wun ov the cards Mummy's bin maykin lately. (It's a bit sissy, if yu arsk me, but never mind! I think Dilly helpt her wiv this wun!) An then we also hav this fine Teddy Bear, wich Mummy needol-feltid this week. It's her ferst Bear, an I must say, it issent too bad.
It issent a Real Bear, ov corse, just a Teddy. An it issent reelly a toy, cos ov how it's mayde. So wat is it? I'll tell yu. It's a Synchronized Sitting Trayning Aide. If yu want to praktiss yor Synchronized Sitting, but find yorself alone, jus get him down off the shelf an sit him beside yu. An thare yu ar! Instant teem-member. Corse, yu hav to sit the sayme way as him or it won't werk.
I hope yu ar inspired to get yor Synchronissity goin! Good luk!
I jus left this poem as a comment over on David McMahon's site:
A Bear was on holiday from Crewe,
When suddenly he needed the loo.
He wriggled along,
Saw a billabong,
Ran over and did a great poo.
Bye fer now!
Oh, wow, wow, wow!! What great prizes!! They are all wonderful.
Unbelievable that is Mummy's first needle felted bear! It is great! What a job! I think it must help to be around a lot of bears ...or something like that...cuz it is reeeely good!
Great prizes! Thanks for checking out my entry and glad you liked it. I can't wait to see the other entries.
geez! i'm already jealous of the lucky winners!
bob, does your toothbrush holder get fuzz on your toothbrush?
She took 4 hours an then sat an lookt at it an drank a cup ov tea. She waz tryin to figger owt wy it dident look rite. Then she realized- she had fergotten to put eny ears on! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
I choze the cullers. It waz amayzin to see how mutch wool it took!
Nor can I!!! It will be grayte to see them all together won't it? Wa-heyy!!!!!
Ms Creek,
No?? Wy wud my toothbrush holder get fuzz on my toothbrush? Is this a trik kwestchun?
(Did yu notiss my toothbrush haz Lisa on it? In a towel? JUST a towel? Hehehehehehee)
Oooh Lisa in just a towel, naughty bear!
TB, I kno if I look offen enuff, wun day the towel will moov.
Well my good fellow, my entry is up now on my blog and it would be a pleasure to have your esteemed self visit my humble blog.
The prizes are excellent and with you as a judge one can only hope that a lowly bear such as I could aspire to receive one of them from a wise and handsome bear such as you.
Your humble servant
Bear((( )))
Great Prices!!
Dear Bob, real fine prizes there and I'm totally swept off my mummy's felted bear! If only I have bear frends or even Not-A-Bears to help me.
Hey, u luk lyke big broder to the felted Bear dun't yu. I lyke yur poem dere, beary wickedly fun!
Hav a good time!!
Giggling @ the limeric...
Great prizes and that little Blue bear is so sweet.
I may have to tell my 'hug' to consider another entry, it they want him to come & live with them!
Wow Bob, these prizes are super duper special, your mummy is soooo clever, isn't she? I'm still working on my entry.. my sisters keep dragging me away from my laptop this week (rolling eyes) and I'm off to Greece on Wed., but I'm trying, honest Guv'!!
Heheheh I like a few not-a-bear/human girls. Kelly Clarkson ia my girl!
What beautiful prizes you are offering! No wonder entries are coming in!
I would like to put in a good word for Bear Naked. I have seen her entry and it's just great!
Besides, look at all the XOXO's she sent you!
Dear Bob T Bear, I'd like to put in a vote for Bear Naked, not just because her Sittin Bears are terrific but for ALL her fantastic Bear pictures.
Take 2 ...
You must go see Bear Naked's entry, its perfection ... she's got a lotta team members all sittin' nice and bear proud
Hey Bob, we bears got together and we're doing the synchronization!! Pop over to me blog and you'll see us all.
As you know, Bobber, STella & I entered this Olympic event because we love the spirit of competition. If we get a prize for winning, well, that's just icing on the cake. We're in it for the cake, man! (mmm mmm... cake...)
Your prizes are amazing! Anyone would be proud to have one. I also think you could write a limerick for the winners, seeing as how you're so talented in that area. Any limerick or poem with the word poo in it has GOT to be a winner!
Goober love & smooches,
Bear Naked- et al!
ALLRITE ALLREDDY! LOL!!!! Hehehehe I've bin over an sor it, an it IS an impressiv hug! Hehehehe thanks for yor entry, yu reelly mayde me larff!
Hullo bud!!!
The frogs in our bak gardin wud be exslent at this sport. They sit still for ages!!!
Hehheee yes, he is that sorta size, issent he? A bit like talkin to LBBBJ. Phytheas is littol, too. I met up wiv him larst November an waz surprized how littol he is. It issent offen I'm the biggest Bear in the room! Heheheh!
David McMahon had a poem on his blog an I dident reelly understand it so I thort I wud raize it to my levol.
rownd them up!!
Hehe! Carnt wayte to see! Yu've got till midday tomorro!
Wat a grayte nayme yu hav!
Yup, got Bear Naked's entry! Wat a lot ov Bears!
Hullo! Glad yu cud get the hug organized for this! Wat a grayte foto! Hope the Ozzie Bear liket my limerik. HAHA!
I hole-hartilly agree!
I must say Goob, I was WELL imprest wen I red on yor blog that yu wernt scared ov thunder an I threw my arms up AT yu in respekt!!!!
Hello, I would like to cast a vote for Bear Naked and her team of bears. She's really coached them well.
...Oh one must go and visit Bear Naked and see her competition - it's solid gold hand's down!
...Blessings... :o)
Please visit my friend Bear Naked. She has this synchronized sitting business down to an art!
And the gold goes to........Bear Naked and her team of Synchronized Sitters!
Bob.... some day I should show you my first bear...hahahha...it began life looking like a monkey...with huge ears....
Is the Agony uncle email address still working? . I can send the pic for you to see...it's worth a laugh....
Oh yeah, that's our main email addy so it still werks!
Prizes are awesome! Competition is fierce! Poetry is flowing! My team is still training and we hope to have our entry posted this afternoon!!
One question Bob.
Do we all have to pee in a cup?
Bear((( )))
Grayte! I carnt wayte to see!
Bear Naked,
Yu can poo in a tupperware box if yu like.
Oh! I see! Heheheheheeee! No, it's ok, I trust yu! Hahahahaa...
wow! great prizes! we have posted our pictures on my blog! go look! the children are so excited for you to see!! HURRY!! LOl.
Wat a grayte lot ov fun yor foto capcherd! Wa-heyyy! I espeshly liket the Bear wiv the pants! HAHAHA!
Wot fantastic prizes Bob! And I love your Mummy's felted bear. She is so clever! (Have I done enough creeping? lol)I have just taken my synchronised sitting photos and my bears are all very excited! I will be putting them on my blog soon. I had to let the not-quite-a-bears join in too and a very big not-a-bear. :o)
Bob, you are such a creative challenger. And those are great prizes. I even like the sissy card. That kind of thing appeals to me.
And your poem is most soulful. You've an award over at my place...
P.S. That felted bear is a work of art! Tell your Mummy how good she is!
wat I like best abowt that Bear is that it is in Gillingham cullers!! Wa-heyy!!
Oooo an award??? YUM! Cooo thanks! I'll rite rownd...
Bob! Team HUSKER has posted their entry at last!!! It involved a lot of sweat and tears and kind of kicked up a lot of dust for some reason - LOL. Anyway - take a gander over at http://iwasthinking-huskerbeck.blogspot.com and see what the Team has entered! We decided for 3 events... can't wait for the judging to begin!!
OK I've got my pix of the synchronised sitting up now.
WOW! Grayte skill on disply over at yor playse!!! Well dun!!
Ooooo a pyramid formayshun! Gosh, that taykes alot ov payshunse an organizayshun! Very impressiv!
Wow! There are a lot of participants in this. Good work everyone.
Hey Bob,
I just re-did my blog, COOKIES! Take a look when you have time.
I jus did! Hehehee! COOKEEEEEEZ!
Glad you liked it :D
wonderful prizes...I vote for Anna Bananna
I would like to cast my support to the BearNaked team for their longevity in sitting and plain damn cuteness.
I would like to cast my support to the BearNaked team for their longevity in sitting and plain damn cuteness.
Look at all the comments. Everybody is really excited about this contest! Hehehe.
*bear hugs*
Bob, I must admit I was a bit put off at first by your English--it reminded me of many students' paper I used to have to grade:) But sorry, I didn't realize you were speaking in dialect rather than just misspelling words.
I cast my vote for Bear Naked--the team demonstrates remarkable stamina and perfect synchronization!
Rose, I reckon he's doing incredibly well for a Bear. Most of them can't read or write at all you know. ;)
Daddy is a teacher an sez that he thinks lots ov his kids get their Bears to do their homewerk for them cos it sumtimes looks like Bear English!!!!
Ahem, wy thank ku!
Your phonetic spelling does me old heart good!I used a similar approach with Kindergarten children, weaning them off it as soon as they were ready and it worked a treat.
Men ov old hav utad 'Zowndz!'
Wen thav ritan wurdz in sowndz,
But yor aproch wurkz lic a drem
Speling lists just mak me screm!
Orl thoz yeaz geting thingz rong!
Owaz and owaz!It tooc so long!
Wen ech child cood hav yoozd its hed
Lurning utha thingz insted!
'Hooray for fonics!' so say I!
Il be a fan until I di!
My method isn't identical to yours, but I bet you can read what I've written!
Bob, mi nam is Isabella and mi mum is sendin u an email wif mi foto cos i cant do sittin but i am doin the indivigual hangin at the limpiks - luk at email. mi mum is serendipity - she writ that fur me
Cripes! Turn your back for a second and look what happens! It is great to see so many bears (and not-so bears) all having a good time!
A Bannanna's pictures made me go 'AWWWWWW!'.
A tough decision, Bob!
It's a great poem - you showed that David some errant rhymne-- I show some tries at synchronized sitting today on my blog ??hee hee
chair wasn't big enopugh !! sandy
Anna (Isabella)
Thanks for the foto! Yu look like a very frendly Bear to me! It's always nice to meet new Bears.
i beati
Phew! That's a popular chair in yor foto! I also carnt beleev the size ov that cat!!! I like the way he is lettin wun ov the doggys rest his paw on his bak.
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