WARNING: This blog is ritten in Bear English, wich is phonetic. An that is mor than yu can say abowt the werd "phonetic".

Saturday, July 04, 2009

A Messidge from Dorothy-

As it is the 4th ov July, it's a special day for Dorothy. She just wantid to pop in wiv a pikcher ov her flag and say "Wa-heyy!" to all our reeders in Merryka, an speshly her famly, bak in Kansas. As yu can see, I helpt her sellybrayte wiv sum choklit Hobnobs. (Thare wer mor than this to start wiv. We did meen to tayke a foto befor we ate them all, an we only just mayde it in time. 8 Bears in wun howse an ownly wun biskit barrel, yu see.)

Sheez bin havin a nice relaxed day, an gettin her journal up to date, reddy for wen she leevs us on Munday. I'm goin to miss her. Sheez all rite, she is. For a gerl.

Bye fer now!


CherryPie said...

Now I am just wondering if you had some romantic inclinations towards her?

Nosey aren't I?

imac said...

Bye bye Dorothy, sorry Bob, you having to lose a friend, even tho she is a gerl.

Ziggy Stardust said...

I like the look of those biscuits. Does Dorothy have to go? Maybe you could come to America to visit.

licks and sniffs, Sasha

Buttons the Bear said...

Hope you had a nice Fourth of July. Dorothy, I bet it was fun to visit our mother country on such an auspicious occasion.

It was nice meeting you all be it virtually. I've been told I had a great grandma also named Dorothy, she was from Kansas too.

I bet Dorothy will miss you too. Hope she'll to have pleasant journeys as she navigates the globe. Though, I dare say she, won't have a better host.


The Duck said...

Great idea there Bob, the biscuits! Daddy has ben very busy at the moment but we are hoping to get out later!

Julie said...

Belated Happy 4th July Dorothy and have a great trip on Monday! Bob, you're an old softee!

Joe Stains said...

I am glad you helped her celebrate, its very important over here!

Lori said...

Thank you for this! It was a special celebration and I appreciate so much the fact that you remembered for our kids.

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

Oh look! It's Lori! That's Dorothy's Mummy!