Yesterday's scores:
- Gills: No
- Simpsons: yes, an family Guy too.
- Tesco: No. Mummy went Crismoss shoppin wiv Dilly an sed I cuddent go cos I'm a boy an wud moan. Cheek!!!
- Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 8.5/10
- Overall Score: 7.24
We hav snow!!!!!!!
It startid like this yesterday-
That's Daddy in thare, in the car-
It waz comin down farst a bit layter...
Can yu see that wite line? That's ware a snowflake travold!
LBBBJ wantid to go owtside an see it for himself. Mummy Bear told him to rap up cos she waz cold. Thare wer sum freshly cleend pants nearby, so....
Look, LBBJ!! Look at the snow!!!
OK, that's enuff lookin, let's get in, it's cold!
We awl fell asleep wiv daddy by the fire...
Larst nite it snowd an snowd.
Mummy took this foto from the frunt windo.
The snow is so hevy on the tree it's maykin it droop down an tutch the grownd!
This mornin we put owt food for the berds. At ferst they dident com an eet it, they sat in the trees an lookt at it.
Exsept for Bob Robin, hoo is allways brayve... (it's in the nayme)Then we thort, maybe they ar scared ov not bein abol to stand on the snow? So we put the food on a big bit ov cardbord for them. Since then, they've awl been munchin. This wee fella is calld a Chaffinch.
Layter, me an Daddy ar goin to bild a SnowBear!!!! I'm goin to hav Pawridge an hunny ferst.
Wa-hey!!! I wonder how long the wite stuff will larst. If ownly it waz Crismoss allreddy!!!
Bye fer now,
Bob what a lovely post.. We too got snow last night but not as much as you have. The forcast said it is comming though. I just loved your little robin picture and also the one where you all snuggled with dad.. Magic.. Hugs GJ x
It sure is cold Bob! Keep warm!
That looks like husky weather! I'm coming over for tea!
Wow!! you really did have a was goin' sideways1
What a great little parka you have Bob... perfect for the weather.....mine is a purple-y colour. Looking forward to your snowman. I haven't been out to test ours lately, but the last time it was way too cold and dry for snow to clump together... you just can't make snowmen with that stuff. It blows off your hand like a pile of feathers. But, it has warmed up +4C from -32C.... so maybe it would work now... I'll have to give it a try later today or tomorrow...
Brrrr! You've got much more snow than us! I love your snowflakey jacket. It's vewy Crissmossy.
Ho Ho Ho Snow! (giggle) Clever idea to put down the cardboard. You all look nice and comfy sitting on Daddy.
Very cool pictures! Enjoy the snow while you can!
Oooh! that is a lot of snow. We only got a sprinkling here and it didn't stick!
Hooray for snow! We didn't get any. It doesn't often snow here at the seaside. Too salty!
Hugs, Lynda
Check out Dilly's Blog. I think she is up to something. Oh, I have a joke.
Where did the snowman go to dance?
The snow ball
Taddy and Charlie
Wow, snow! I love snow. Dress warm and have fun buildin' your snow bear.We're supposed to get a bunch over here tomorrow. I hope, I hope, I hope.
I like your snow pictures. Mom was too tired to take pictures when it was snowing around here. I wish she would have!
Oh Bob you are hysterical! You are so adorable with your hoodie on out in that snow. Stay warm with dad
Benny & Lily
Great post, Bob! The pictures of you all rugged up in your parka made me smile. You look adorable! And *beautiful* photos of the birds - thank you :) Do you know I've never seen snow actually falling - I've seen it once it's hit the ground when I go skiing but never actually falling!
Hey Bob,
We got snow last nite too, looks like a couple of inches. Don't think I will get to go out in it, because mom is so busy. She is still a sew and sew! Love your white furry hoodie, you look snug. Enjoy your snow.
Ginger Jasper,
Sitting on Daddy by the fire is a grayte way to end a day if it's cold. I bet yu like sittin on laps by the fire!
Mrs Nesbitt,
Don't worry I've got planty ov jumpers, altho I am havin to share them owt. I've got lots ov pants arownd heer too tho, so I'll be fine if I need an extra layer or 3.
Turbo yu hownd!!!!!!!!
Warev yu been, buddy???
It's so cool to see yu agen!
Yes, come over heer- I can ride on yor bak an we can run to Tesco an get mor choklit biskits!!!
So yu like that? I got that for Crismoss larst yeer. LBBBJ likes to ware it, too. It's more his size, to be onnist. I'm 8.
I carnt imagin it bein -32. That is like, colder than our freezer, wich is set to -18. Yu cood do all yor Crismoss food shoppin an not worry abowt ware to keep it- yu cud drop it in the garden an it will keep nice an fresh rite thare.
Hammie!!! I'm so glad yu cayme over. I reelly luv yor blog. It maykes me larf so mutch my beads rattle. HEHE!!!
yeah I got that for Crismoss larst yeer! LBBBJ likes to ware it too!
yeah Daddy is kwite comfy to sit on. But notiss I got to sit on his hed. The belly bit wud hav been softer. But oh no, yu lot settol down an be comfy wy don't yu, Bob heer will sit on his hed. See? See wat I hav to put up wiv?
Sullivan McPig,
HOWDI!!! I am so onnerd to see yu heer!!!!
it duzzent offen stik heer iver! This is very speshol an fun! Eevn if it duz stik, it yewzly awl melts reelly fast!
It haz settold on the Isle of Sheppey, ware Granny is tho, an she is rite by the sea! So be reddy- it mite be anti-sea snow an mite still be on its way to yu!!!
Mack an Sally Ann, that is so funny!! HEHEHEH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ooo is Dilly upta no good agen????? (AGEN)
Duffy, heehehehe- I can tell by lookin at yu that yu like snow!!
Marlowe, never mind. I'm glad yu liket mine. It will prbly be bak soon up yor way so don't worry!
Benny an Lily,
Aww thankyu!!
Aw shuks thanks :@}
Yoov never been owt in the snow fallin then? It's well cold wen it gets on yor ears!
Fluffy bites at it as it's falling and chases it and eats it. Mad cat!
Buttons :@} I find it is yewzly sumthing good if Mummys ar bizzy this time ov yeer, don't worry!
We don't get that cold white stuff here in Arizona! I hope you enjoy it but stay warm. I don't know if bears can get frostbite.
Bobber, I'm luvin yur post! Snowy, guf fun an cozy owt dere, wish I was dere! Aww...
I wish yu culd share halv de snow wif me, weer havin too littol, damn too littol!!
Take care dere, of yurself, Bear frens,mama, mama's mama, birdies, hoggies... etc. I'll cum see wat yu hav fer Crissmos!
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