WARNING: This blog is ritten in Bear English, wich is phonetic. An that is mor than yu can say abowt the werd "phonetic".

Monday, May 31, 2010

Berfday cayke! Wa-heyy!!!


Wa-heyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got berfday pressies an cards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ferst thare is this card an present from Beanie, wich cayme erly an cheerd me rite up an got me in the berfday mood. THANKS, Beanie!

The envelope waz mayde to match my nose-flag cullers:
The envelope is reelly a gayme- yu add yor own pikcher or stikkers, then rap it rownd sumthing an send it agen... this wun had lots ov pikchers an stikkers on....

Inside waz a nice card from Beanie, an a speshly mayde jigsor!-

Hmmmm.... yu hav to start wiv the edges an corners.....

Hey I think it's gonna be a Bear- look at thoze eers!
Thare's a messidge on the bak!
This is the frunt- wat a grayte pawtrayte!!!

As tho that wernt enuff!!! -Then awl this stuff waz waytin for me this mornin!!! The uther Bears all dived on me an showtid "BERFDAY BUNDOL!!!!!!" I waz kwyte dizzy wen I mannidged to crawl owt!Now.... pressies...... I got a nice bag ov sweets.... ooo look! Chewy teef!
This present is from Mummy an Daddy-
Speshol choklit buttons for Bears!!!!
Wat's this from Dilly?Oh WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A TESCO TANKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANKS DILLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yor ok for a reptillyen, yu ar!
An this is from awl the Bears.....Hehehehe!!! A Snowy Bear Pez!!!! Brillyent!

I liket my cards too....
This is from the Windowsill Bear Famly:
This wun from Mummy an Daddy is as big as me!
This wun from Dilly is nice, the Bear has nice rownd eers an is maykin a cup ov tea:
This wun is from awl the uther Bears. The foto is ov a bare Bear bum. HAHAHAHA!
Heer's a video ov my CAYKE awl lit up wiv 8 candols..

Larstly, THIS is is how yu cut a a cayke for 17 Bears, 2 hewmans an a crocodragon:
I gayve my bit ov cayke to Granny in hopsikol. I'm a genruss Bear like that. I dident tayke the choklit buttons wiv me tho. Too mutch wuddent be good for her. Besides, I'm the wun wiv a berfday, not her.

Bye for now!


Sullivan McPig said...

Happy Berfday!!
Looks like you're having a really cool day!

Asta said...

Happy Buwfday to you...Happy Biwfday to you, Happy Biwfday deew Booooooo ooob, Happy Biwfday to yoooooo hoooooo!'(I was singing to you but didn't know how to make you heaw it sowwy)

It looks like you had a pawfect Biwfday celebwation. i simply looove all youw cawds and pwessies, and that cayke..WOW! Wish i could zoom ovew and have a bit.
You Awe a genewous beaw to shawe. I hope you get to have youw pik nik wif Gwannie too
smoochie best wishes kisses

Feronia said...

Happy Birthday Bob! Many happy returns to you!! I'm popping something in the post for you very soon :)

Stardust said...

It's so gud bein a BEAR! An bein 8, forever 8!

I LUV the jigsor, teeth gum, cards, evorything!! Blessed littol Bear yu ar! An thanks fer sharing the joy wif us. Yur every move brings a smile on my face. Nose hugs.

Be gud to mommy!

Buttons the Bear said...

Happy Bearday to you, Happy Bearday to yoooou, Happy Bearday dear Bob, Happy Bear day to YoOoOu!

Be glad my singing was in type. Looks like you had a great day!

I asbearlootly love the teeth! I would have been by earlier to send my wishes, but my New Hampshire grandbearants came to town on short notice.

Buttons the Bear said...

By the way, I forgot to mention what a thoughtful bear you are, sharing your cake with granny. It's ok to keep all those chocolate buttons, I know I probably would... ;-)

Julie said...

Wow! That must be the bestest berfday ever! The jigsaw is awesome! I bet you was dizzy with all that puffin at the candles. My puter speaker won't work so I couldn't hear!!! Happy Berfday for being 8 agen yesterday. I was 8 once. I think I remember!

Lynda (Granny K) said...

Many happy returns Bob! Glad you had a lovely party. Wow! that cake looks good. Bet Mummy made it. Watched your video twice!
Hope Granny is doing OK. Lotsa love to you all. x

Shrinky said...

Happy birthday Bob - wow - what a lot of great mates you have, you are a very much loved bear, y'know! And I happen to know someone who will be 'specially envious of that snow bear Pez (Chewy collects Pez's)!

Beanie Mouse said...

Happyest Bear Day ever!!! Glad you liked the Jig Sor!!!

BumbleVee said...

Happy Berfday Bob!!!!

what a time you had from the look of it all!! wow.....

Two French Bulldogs said...

Happee Birthday Bob! All the excitement over there. What a fun day.
Benny & Lily

i beati said...

How grayte !!!!!I wrote about you

CherryPie said...

Happy Birthday :-)

I am seriously impressed with the cutting of your birthday cake. I need lessons!

mrsnesbitt said...

Oh Bob!
We will be raising a glass to ya hun on Sunday at shrink's - defo! Happy Birthday - will put some stuff inthe post for your mum! She'll love it!

Marlowe said...

Happy birthday to you, Bob!

It dawned on Mom and I that I turn 8 years old over again too! It's a fine age to stay!

Ellie Creek Ellis said...

Happy Birthday, Bob...boy did you ever SCORE! good job! loved it all!

Joe Stains said...

omdog happy barkday buddy! What a great bunch of cards and presents. I sure do hope your granny is feeling better.

Scott S said...

Your birthdays keep getting better, Bob! Sorry I missed it. I will mark my calendar for next year.

Ryan Lorenc-Haluska said...

Happy 8th Birthday (again)!

You had such a Wonderful Birthday, Bob T.

Makes me feel Happy that Bears can stay any age they want to be at. I'm 3 (really) and I don't know what age I'll be when I 'stop'.

Mommy and Daddy will know that, I think.

Happy Birthday (late, I'm afraid... but Good Wishes all the Same)