WARNING: This blog is ritten in Bear English, wich is phonetic. An that is mor than yu can say abowt the werd "phonetic".

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Miss Fluffy went to Heven


Sorry for the lak of posts. It has been sad rownd heer, becoz Miss Fluffy died. She waz ill for a few weeks an she got very weak suddenly an the Vet-doctor sed they cuddent do enything else. So Mummy sed it waz best we took her to the Vet-doctor an he wud help her die gently in a deep sleep an it wud awl be kwik. Well it waz awl kwik but it awl waz sad. Por Miss Fluffy waz so weak an tyerd on the larst day she cud ownly walk 2 steps an then sit down, an she dident like to lift her hed enymore cos it waz too differcult.

Miss Fluffy was neerly 18 wich is very old in cat yeers.

Her bruther, Mr Scooter, has lookt for her a littol bit, an is stikkin close to Daddy for manly hugs.

Mummy is very sad an crys lots. She sez she misses cuddling her and sniffing her cheesey toes. (Hmm. I noe, but best not to say enything.)

I feel very orkwerd cos I want to be exsytid bowt Crosmoss coming, but I want to be kwyert for Mummy too. It's hard to be exsytid an be kwyert an thortful too. I think if I layer the pant dror wiv at leest 3 layers ov pants I shud be abol to hav a frolic kwyertly, in between thortful looks, wat do yu think?

I miss her too. She waz very good at playing "Bear! Not a Bear!". Sept she calld it "Cat! Not a Cat!"

Snfff. Ssssssnnnnff. Snf. Cats do go to Heven, don't they?


Daisy said...

Oh Bob, I am so sorry Miss Fluffy had to go to the Rainbow Bridge. I know she will be happy and young and meet lots of new friends there.

You keep Miss Fluffy safe inside your heart, and when you frolic and have fun for the holidays, she will be with you.

BumbleVee said...

It seems easy to keep them in your dreams too Bob.... I still dream about our old cat Tippy.... she was 22 when our Vet put her to sleep.... and in my dreams...she still looks like the beautiful strong healthy cat she was when we first got her....

DeniseinVA said...

So sorry to hear about Miss Fluffy. Very sad for you and your family. Sending a big hug.

Marlowe said...

My mom and I are sorry to hear that your kitty passed away. We still miss our doggies and kitties that have passed years ago. I agree with Daisy-- she will be happy and young over the rainbow bridge.

Buttons the Bear said...

So sad to hear of Fluffy's passing. Be sure you are extra comforting to Mummy. Some extra nose hugs and a cuddle every now and then. Even if you have to issue her a tissue first. Be sure to slip an extra one in from me and my Mom.

Stardust said...

Every pet loved goes to heaven, I believe... Sorry for your family bob.

Beanie Mouse said...

Aw, I'm sorry. Miss Fluffy is in heaven and they have lots of catnip growing there too. Keep hugging mum and hug the emergency pants and you'll all be OK.

Lynda (Granny K) said...

Sorry to hear your very sad news Bob, but I'm sure that our pets DO go to heaven, otherwise it wouldn't be heaven without them would it? - and they are all well and happy and young again there, playing running and jumping games, eating delicious food and dozing in the warm sunshine.
Love and hugs to you and Mummy xx

Julie said...

I'm sure Fluffy would want you to keep frolikkin Bob. Sending you and Dilly nose hugs xxx

Feronia said...

Big hug to you, Bob. I definitely think Miss Fluffy is in Heaven. Have a little pant frolic if it will make you feel better and be there for Mummy, Daddy and Mr Scooter too. Then you are doing the very best you can for everyone :)

Ryan Lorenc-Haluska said...

Oh– Bob. Daddy is writing this for me: We're so very sorry to hear about your dear friend Miss Fluffy. A relative of my Mommy's just had a favorite Bunny leave this World. And yes, she says it is difficult to be excited about Christmas and thoughtful and saddened at the same time, Bob T. From myself and My Daddy and my Mommy we Send you and your human Kindly Thoughts. And we Know that you will Honor Miss Fluffy through your Many Joyous Memories of her. Hugs, -your friend, Ryan.

Birthday Bear said...

Oh dear that is sad for you and your family. You must give your mummy lots of hugs and stay out of mischuf.

CherryPie said...

I am sorry to hear about Miss Fluffy. Send some *hugs* from me to Mummy but remember to keep some for yourself.