My Wardrobe
Yesterday's scores:
- Gills: No, an we ar ment to play today but it will probly be canselld cos of the snow!
- Simpsons: yes!!!! At last!!!! I gayve Lisa a big screen hug!
- Tesco: no (poo)
- Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: still a bit too bizzy for this /10
- Overall Score: 7.7458/10
I'm glad yu liket my Snow Bear! (If yu havent seen it yet, scroll down to the post befor this wun. Thare ar lots ov fotoes!)
Woolley Bear arskt me war I got my snazzy boots an hoody from. Well, Mummy gets most ov my stuff from charity shops. She spots cuddly toys in thare wiv stuff on that wud fit me. She buys the toy, taykes off the clothes an then hands the toy bak to the shop!!!! She sez the looks on the faces ov the laydeez in thare maykes her larf!
Wun time she explayned to the laydee that the clothes wer for me, an the laydee arskt if I wud like to yewz the changing room to try it on. I thort that waz jolly deesent ov her.
I don't mind second hand stuff. Speshly as Mummy carnt nit. Granny K nitted me a luvly bloo jumper wunce tho, an I ware it on speshly cold days as it is big enuff for me to pull my arms in an fold them up underneeth.
Insidently, if yu hav sum geer yu no longer want, I am an 8 inch Bear. 8 inches up and 8 inches rownd. Apart from wen I redistribewt my beeds, an then I can get big arms an legs an a skinny waist. Mummy reelly envies me for that talent.
Oh boy they just sed we ar dew mor snow this arfternoon! It cud be a bizzy day!
Bye for now!
Hello Bob! It's already snowed here but of course standing in the naughty corner for daring to suggest that your Mum has a hand in your blog makes it difficult to see out of the window to check if there is any more of the white stuff coming down - unless I was a giraffe perhaps?! Di x
Bob, you are uber-cool, cooler than Beckham x
Oh Bob, you crack us up!!!
Snorts and Snuggles
Benny & Lily
Mor snow? Pass sum heer!
Yeh, I keep thinkin abowt yur height en dat's why I can't forget yur mom's new sewing mashine. That's too cute! She's sewing yu sumthing new I guess?
My mom buys a lot of my clothes the same way, but she always doesn't give the bear back. I get lots of new friends that way, I guess!
Thanks for the info, Bob. My Mummy needs to look a bit harder when she's in charity shops, I think (hint, hint Mummy). Or get sewing (double hint, hint Mummy). You are a style icon, buddy :@)
Hello Bob!! Your parcel arrived yesterday and I put your present under my tree!!! Andrea says I might need to put some Chocolate peanuts underneath too, but I have chocolate coins there already. Thank you very much and i posted your present yesterday!!
I've just spotted your "if they weren't human" series.... and you have an uncanny resemblance to George Clooney. It would be fun to work out who the rest of us look like!!! I might go think about that - we could have a blog competition or something??!
Dawling bob
I'm so sowwy I haven't come wound fow ages..I just waw that youw kitteh had to go to heaven and I'm awfully sowwy about that..I hate goobyes, but mommi says it's just tempowawy..we all see each othew latew sometime.
I love youw snow beaw(specially when he has the bloo pnts on)
I keep heawing about all the lovely snow you have..i have NOTHING!!! just cold fweezing winds and no playtime cause my paws would fweeze to the gwound at the wun, sheeesh..not my idea of chwissmuss at all.
I love youw clothes(Mommi buys most of hew clothes in thwift stowes and she doesn't look too bad)
smoochie kisses
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