WARNING: This blog is ritten in Bear English, wich is phonetic. An that is mor than yu can say abowt the werd "phonetic".

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Berfday Cayke

Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: No; on hollyday
  • Simpsons: Yay!!
  • Tesco: No
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score:10 /10 Huzarr!!!
  • Overall Score: 7.32321/10

Teehee! THANK kew awl for awl the nice messidges for me berfday! I shor had a grayte day!

Just as we Bears wer gettin reddy for the Pant Party in the eevnin, Mummy brort owt a cayke wiv a candle in it. Oh boy, I was havin sutch a frolikky time I had fergotten awl abowt a berfday cayke!!
I mayde a wish, an blew owt the candle...

That was wun small puff for a man, wun giant blow for an 8 inch Bear!

Then we went on wiv the Pant Party!!!!!
Erm, did yu notiss Grayum?
Hav anuther look-

Yes, thare is ownly wun thing that can distrakt Grayum from a huge pile of freshly lornderd pants, an that's cayke. Spesifikly sumwun else's cayke. Wat a cheek!!!!!


Lynda (Granny K) said...

Wow! What a frolic u had! I can just see your feet stickin' up from the middle of that basket of pants an' bears! Gud job you didn't smufflicate!

I'm off on 'oliday darn sarf for a bit soon Bob, so mite not be round to comment. Then agen, they mite jus' have t'internet where we are going, don't know till we get there!

Nose hug . . . tweeeeep!!!!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh Bob you know how to pawrty. Just don't get to close to the candle
Benny & Lily

Jerry and Ben said...

Pants and a burfday cake? What a great day Bob, wish we could have been there!

Beanie Mouse said...

What a fabbiemundo party!!!! I got your postcard and Beanie Box yesterday!!!! They're BRILLIANT!! I love them!!! Thank you so much!!

The Teddy Bear Family said...

We have to go with Gray'um there - cake beats clothes every time.

From Your Favorite Cheeky WotNots!

ely said...

wow that looks fun...hope to be a part of your party next time...:) bearHUGS...

Beanie Mouse said...

I just blogged about your box.... I really love playing with the stuff in it, yoo no!! (see! I've been learning Bear from Tango!)

Feronia said...

What a fun, frolicky day you had, Bob!

Beanie Mouse said...

Hallo Bob!!! Please tell your Ma to watch the Post Box for you!! There's A Special Something in The Mail for You!!!

Mistea said...

Hey Bob so glad you enjoyed your birthday - Looks like you had lots of friends to help you celebrate.
Thanks for coming by to say hello to Miss Milly she really appreciated it. Hope you and your friends will join our picnic one time.
Hope you're week has been truly delightful.

BumbleVee said...

he almost nose dived into the cake! and that would have been altogether another pictur entirely! a sticky one too....

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

WOW thanks for awl yor messidges!!! I'm sorry it takes so long for me to blog theez days- this is largely cos Mummy, my sekretry, has gon part time. Not shor I gave my permishun for that, but still. Humpf!