WARNING: This blog is ritten in Bear English, wich is phonetic. An that is mor than yu can say abowt the werd "phonetic".

Sunday, July 31, 2011

If They Weren't Human...

14: Evan Davies / Dobby

to revisit previous lookelikees, click here!


Di said...

OMGoodness! Snort, chuckle! Di xx

diane b said...

hee hee you are a naughty bear. I went out to dinner with the oldies on Saturday night but diane hasn't put up my pictures yet. I had fun playing soccer.
Birthday Bear

Buttons the Bear said...

Bob that's a good one, LOL!

diane b said...

At last diane has helped me with my post, ples cum an look.

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

Hedding strayte over, Berfday Bear!!

diane b said...

B.T. BEAR, can't you tell from how skinny I am I am never given cake. One day I will escape and visit you and we'll get stuck into the chokky cayke.

Feronia said...

This series is too funny, Bob! I haven't seen it before... I'm not too sure who the current guy you've got there is, but love the others - the Michael Caine is very good.