WARNING: This blog is ritten in Bear English, wich is phonetic. An that is mor than yu can say abowt the werd "phonetic".

Thursday, November 17, 2011

My Garden

Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: No
  • Simpsons: No, I did see Family Guy. Stewie waz telling all his problems to his Bear. His Bear is calld Rupert.
  • Tesco: No
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 8 /10 good greeef! I need mor praktiss!!
  • Overall Score: 7ish/10

Eevn tho we ar well into Ortum now, my garden still has lots ov intrestin bits in it. I thort I wud share it wiv yu...

Ferst, do yu remember Oakey?
I hav been growing him since he was a haycorn.
He is looking very goldy rite now!

Better giv 'im a bit ov fertilizer for the winter...Hehehe...... I do like oakey!
Theez ar calld Red Hot Pokers!
The birds like to nibbel them.
Look! This wun is calld a Blue Tit.
(an Mummy sez I'm not ment to larf at that nayme)
This is called Pineapple SageIf yu skwish the leevs between yor paws an then smell them, they smell ov pineapple!
This is calld lobelia. I waz cond wiv this, cos the laydy sed it wud be bloo, but as yu can see, it is perpol reelly.
This is our peach tree. We had 2 peaches a few years ago. They wer reelly sweet an joosy. Imagin that! Peaches, grown owtside, in England! Wow!
No peaches this yeer tho. Still, it maykes a fine playce to perch from, wen yor observing stuff.
This is camomile.
Mummy luvs the smell ov it.
Daddy sez it smells like pee.
I agree wiv them both!

This is a nettal! But don't worry it is calld a DED Nettal, so it duzzent sting.
It duz tickol, tho!

This is calld roo. It's a nice culler issent it?
Yu hav to be careful if yor goin to frolik wiv no pants in roo, as it can mayke yu a bit itchy.

Theez ar calld cree-santh-e-mums
Yeers ago, Mummy had a luvly soft blak-an-wite cat calld Miss Figs. She waz very upset wen Miss Figs went to Heven, an she berreed her heer, amung the ivy. Then she bort this iron cat to mark the spot. Mr Scooter coms an sits heer sumtimes. Mummy sez he is chatting wiv his sister. It's OK, it issent a sad playce. It's nice an peacefow.
I don't noe wat this is. It cayme in a bunch ov flowers. Mummy put them in a vase an this bit grew roots, so she planted it. NUN ov us noe wat it is! But it has nice lookin berries!This startid off in a vase too!
Marrygolds!I do like marrygolds!
Theez ar calld pansies! Hehehehe! Pansies! I think that's funny!
Mummy sez theez shud last throo the winter. That'll be nice.

This is calld heeby.
Yes, it is on a slope.

Altho, not THAT mutch ov a slope.
I think the camra slipt!

This is a berd bath. I like to watch them flutter in heer! Mr Scooter sumtimes drinks heer as well!

That thare is a frog. Not a real wun. This wun lites up at nite!
Hmmmmm............. the berds ownly ate half thare food today.....
Thare waz a littol newt in heer the uther week.....
Theez ar primroses. 'Primrose' is Granny Ireland's middol nayme so I am glad theez do well- they hav been heer since last winter!
Look how big the rosemary bush has got! It's growing an growing an spredding!
The sparrows like to hide in it.
The wether has been so mild, this bush thinks it is spring allreddy, an has sum blossom!
This is African Bloo Basil. Or wat is left ov it! It had lots ov flowers an the BEEZ LUVD IT BETTER THAN ENYTHING ELSE IN THE GARDEN!!!! I shall hav to bring it indors soon, so that it will liv throo the winter. I like bees, me, so I want to sayve it for them for nex yeer.

This is a Wethergram. Beanie maykes them, an sent this wun to me.
Wethergrams ar mayde ov all diffrent payper an hav poems on.
Yu hang them owt on the Ortum Ekwinox an then see how the wether chaynges it.If yu look closely yu can see that Beanie yewsd a bit ov a map to mayke this. By sheer cowinsidence, the map is ov Bromley, in Kent, an shows ware Mummy yewst to liv yeers ago, so I think Beanie mite be sykik!!!

Enyway, by the time I had tayken all theez fotoes, the sun had moovd rownd to the front ov the howse. Wen I went inside I fownd that it had mayde a warm sunny puddol ov shine on Scooter's chair, an he was thare, soaking it up!

I hope yu liket looking at my pikchers.
I hope they mayde yu smile!



Di said...

Oh Bob - fantastic trip round your garden today! Thank you for brightening up a dull November morning :)) Big hugs, Di xxx

Shrinky said...

Crikey Bob, what a lot of blooms for late Autumn, you and your mummy must have very green fingers - I am particularly impressed at what you've grown from a tiny acorn! Also, what a beautiful idea to mark the spot where your mummy's cat lies, with that lovely figure of a sleeping cat. Thank you for the great tour, it was such fun.

Beanie Mouse said...

I love your garden!! We don't have one where I live, although we can look out to the garden of the basement flat. They don't do much, but there's lots of sparrohs that live in a big bush!!! And I love the weathergram in your tree!!!

CherryPie said...

I loved your pictures and the little tour round your garden. I am sure you know that gardens are one of my favourite places to be :-)

Jerry and Ben said...

Love the garden Bob! Winter is almost here where we live; all the leaves on the trees say by bye, and the snow will be falling soon. Jerry and me are more sleepy in the winter, so we take long naps.

Lynda (Granny K) said...

Your garden is loverly Bob. We had some Rue but our dog used to like to wee on it, and eventually it gave up!
We've got plants that think it is still summer too! Still got roses out!

The Teddy Bear Family said...

We helped the Garden Gals (our wives, daughters and Mom) put the outdoor garden to bed the end of October and the day before our first snowstorm, so we're sighing and enjoying your photos. (Pretty impressive even to the stuffed Garden Gals and they have eyes for "impressive.")

We picked a bunch of our herbs, before they died or went into hibernation. (Your Rosemary is about 4 times as big as ours, so we're beary impressed.) In the States, next Thursday is our Thanksgiving Day, which means lots of cooking followed immediately by lots of eating. (We can't wait for Thanksgiving. We're starving. kehehehehehe) We have all the herbs we need from our own garden, and we're hoping our pickled tomatoes are ready by then. ('sposed to wait for 6 weeks, but we didn't pickle until that first snowstorm.) Usually, we have homegrown tomatoes with that dinner, but our 'maters did poorly this year (and the squirrels did well eating them, before we could pick them.)

We only have two gardens now - the succulents that live in the window upstairs all winter and the gotta-water-a-lot garden with a grow light in the basement.

We've been tissue-issuing like crazy around here. First Daddy had the cold, and now Mommy won't give hers away, so we still owe everyone our photo essay of pie-crust art. We haven't forgotten, it's just secretary issues. We're sure you understand. ;)

Thanks for the reminder there is still life outside these walls and our parents' colds. We needed that (and just bought another 6 pack of tissues yesterday.)

i beati said...

loving it all

Daisy said...

Bob, you have a pretty, pretty garden! My favorite are the pansies.

BumbleVee said...

Wow.... you have a pretty big garden.... and lots of stuff in it. What fun.

Love yer tit Bob! hahahahhah ...oh, sorry...I suppose I'm not meant to larf either...hahhah.... but, there ya go...I did! Couldn't help meself.

Stardust said...


Look at yu in dat welcuming garden. Mom dus a gud job dusen't she.

I think ms. Figs is a very blessed cat.

Ryan Lorenc-Haluska said...

Ahhh! You and your Mummy's Photos sure Did Make us Smile, Bob! We Really Loved the Garden Tour! Please do it Again in Spring? *Hugs* – Ryan & Pinkie

Birthday Bear said...

You have a lovely garden BobT. I hope you don't go frolicking in the nettles without your pants. OOOh that would be bad. The pansies (hee hee) are beautiful and I hope they stay pretty all winter.

Feronia said...

What a beautiful garden you have there, Bob! You and Mummy are real green thumbs.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Bob. I liked your garden pictures. I remember when you planted the Oakey's acorn. Nice to see he's growing strong.

Anonymous said...

I have a black cat statue marker in my yard where my pet cat lies and a white cat statue marker for my Mum's cat's resting spot.