700th post!
WOW! This is my 700th post!!!!
Good job I hav sumthing speshal to sho yu!!!
Thare is a new film owt, calld TED, an it's all abowt a boy's Bear hoo is REAL. This Bear grows up an starts to do the sayme grown up stuff that his adopter duzz, like smoking an driving! HAHAHA! Sum ov it is kwite rood but I am goin to hide in Mummy's bag an sneak in with her wen she goes!!!
Enjoy the trailer!!!!
Bob T Bear (esq)
I keep telling them I'm real! Haven't seen any trailers for Ted yet here. Thanks for the heads up.
Congrats on the 700th post!
My blogaversary seems to have come and gone this year without any fanfare. Probably due to my secrabeary recovering from surgery, or at least that's the excuse she'll use.
Mommy can't wait to see Ted, she is a huge and humungous Family Guy fan. She probably won't let me see it cause it has sassy stuff. Happy Anniversary Bob T!!! I got scared for a minute I thought it said you were 700 years old and I was like OMD that Bob T looks good for his age. Mommy explained it to me, sorry about that. I hope you have a fun day with cake and cheese and then some more cake.
Loveys Sasha(onerary bear)
p.s. if you have extra cake can I have some??
I just think this is the funnest. I never thought of bears actually growing up!! I have to see this!
Looks good - hilarious infact!
Kungradyoulaysions on 700 posts Bob! We luK fourwurd to 700 more!
Yur pals, Jerry and Ben
700? ... wow what an old windbag you are...
oh...just a minute...I'm getting close to that number myself... hmmmm... time to stick a plaster on my lips....
Congratulations Bob!! the big 7 oh, oh..... .... alright....
Congratulations Bob!!! *Love* your blog :) And "Ted" looks so funny - Woolley B and I are dying to go and see it x
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