WARNING: This blog is ritten in Bear English, wich is phonetic. An that is mor than yu can say abowt the werd "phonetic".

Sunday, July 01, 2012

If They Weren't Human....

16: Gareth Southgate / Rat
For the rest of the series, click here :@}


Lynda (Granny K) said...

Pffff!!!! :o)

Two French Bulldogs said...

Benny & Lily

Buttons the Bear said...

Oh yeah, definitely twins. ;)

Feronia said...

I take it he is not a popular man...?

Asta said...

Sepawated at biwf, sheeesh. You know what Bob? Even a dastawdly wat looks bettew than his hooman twin. How is that?
Smoochie kisses

Beanie Mouse said...

Oh!! We're related!!!

Jerry and Ben said...

Don't forget to enter our Bear Olympics event!:

Asta said...

Dawling Bob T.

I am thwilled to be hewe in England and would vewy vewy happily give you a wide on my Vespa.thewe's aways woom fow my best fwiends and you awe cewtainly that. I twied to entew the cycling, but was disqualified cause they said my Vespa gave me an unfaiw advantage. As fow Beanie's event. I have been pwaciticing, but wif sadly poow wesults, so I didn't entew, but I will come and cheew you on. I will be the one jumping up and down and yelloing " go Bob! Huwwwah!

Do you want me to pick you up and take you to the stadium?
Smoochie kisses