WARNING: This blog is ritten in Bear English, wich is phonetic. An that is mor than yu can say abowt the werd "phonetic".

Thursday, August 09, 2012


Welcom, Bears an Not-A-Bears!

Sorry for the delay, corzd by a teknical hitch, noen as 'Blithering Boggering Blogger Wuddent Let Me Do Fotoes'. (Wat a cheek!!)

OK, heer we go!!!!

SPESHOL THANKS to Beanie's howse for sending along
a cheering skwad!!!

Heer ar my teems....

First the The Synchronised Famly Groop:

Next, The Synchronised Cuzzin Groop:

The Synchronised Unyewszul Pozishun Event:

The Bak Ov A Tandem Pozishun:

Fynerly, the Any Bear Sit:
Grayte stuff!!!!

Now let's see wat uthers ar up to!!!!

Heer's the entry from Buttons Bear's howse:(Gosh!! Buttons has added lots mor since I posted this! Go an see his uther pozishuns!!!!)

Heer ar the entrys from Beanie's Howse!!

Full Face:



Now it's time for.......
ASTA!!!!!!!!!!! HURRAYY!!!
WOW! Multi Dymenshonal!!!
Did yu meet Mr Shrodinger's cat wile yu wer doin that???

Now over to Jerry and Ben!!!!!
Look at theez entrys from Sally Ann an Andy's howse!
This BIG Bear is Charlie. He wantid to sit wiv the smaller Bear frends to show that he is frendly.
(Don't worry, Charlie, yu hav a frendly face!)

(I think thare is a moose in this pikcher)

Now over to Charlie's frend, Taddy, the big Snow Bear.
Heer he is wiv Angel Mack.

Heer's Alexander Mackenzie Bear's entry-
this ferst wun is a leening-sit:
heer is a Choo Choo Trayne pozishun:an heer is a Conga Sit:

Wa-hey!!!!!!! This is grayte fun!!!!

I'll annownce winners on Sunday, so thare is still time to get yor entry in!!!
Email it to me or put it on yor site and leev me a note heer!!!!
Evrywun will be sent sumthing!!!!

***btw, my sister, Dilly, alreddy won a gold medal! Go see heer!!!! HAHAHA!!!


Bob T Bear (esq)


Alexander Mackenzie Bear said...

Entry is coming!!

Lynda (Granny K) said...

Very impressive style there. I think you are all winners! xxx

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Bob, did you get Charlie and Taddy's entry for the sitting event. They are a bit worried.
Sally Ann

Mrs Mac said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

No I didn't get an entry from Charlie and TAddy! Did yu email it to me? Can yu send it agen? Don't worry, plenty ov time!!!! WInners annownst on Sunday!


B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

I FOWND IT!!!!!!!!!!!! DON'T WORRYY!!

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Charlie and Taddy are grinning from ear to ear. Taddy is letting Charlie hold his special favorite cow now.
Sally Ann and Andy

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh Bob you are hilarious. What a crowd!
Benny & Lily

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Thanks again. Eskie licks and Welsh kisses!

Buttons the Bear said...

Loving the Bearlympic Rings! You have bleechers, how cool!

Also love the synchronized* cousins!

*Wow, just found out I spelled syncronized wrong in every post I made. haha!

Julie said...

Fabewlus syncronized sitting!

Ziggy Stardust said...

Bob T, the talent is fierce and outstanding! The years of practice to get that just right is astounding to me. How can a winner even be picked?? Good luck my sweet pal.

Loveys Sasha

Beanie Mouse said...

Oh WOW!!
This is a hard one to score, isn't it?!
Beanie says Bob's Teams get 9 for multi positioning
Asta gets 8.5 for multi dimensional

Beanie Mouse said...

Beanie says Team Jerry and Ben are a 7.5 and Team Sally Ann and Mack are an 8!!!

The Teddy Bear Family said...

Now we know what it must feel like to line up with Da Bolt for a race at the Olympics! We be great sitters, but not that great. Weee Ha!

(Did you snatch all the Olympic fans for your event? That was a huge crowd of spectators!)

Alexander Mackenzie Bear said...

Oh wow... well... here is the entry from Team Sandy...


Alexander Mackenzie Bear said...

As for scoring... wow... how to score such amazing examples of synchronized sitting??

Team Bob T Bear - 8.5!
Team Buttons - 9!
Team Tango - 8.5!
Team Jerry & Ben & Jake - 9!

The Canadian judge was most impressed by the pyramidal form of Team Jerry & Ben & Jake as well as Team Buttons. Double-decker synchronized sitting is impressive!

Jerry and Ben said...

The Bear Olympics flag is BRILLIANT Bob!

We think all the entires are beary awesome; here are our scores:

Team Bob T Bear - 8.5
Team Buttons - 8.5
Team Tango - 8.5
Team Astra - 7.5
Team Charlie - 8

Asta said...

What an amazinf display of synchwonized pawfecshun fwom al the beaws. My humble effowts pale by compawison. The sheew awtistwy and pawfecshun of symmwtwy and awtistwy wewe dazzling! Bwavo to all the wondewfulmteams
Smoochie kisses