WARNING: This blog is ritten in Bear English, wich is phonetic. An that is mor than yu can say abowt the werd "phonetic".

Friday, April 12, 2013

False advertising!!!!!


Well I am bitterly disappoyntid....

Thare was a TV program on called 4Thought, an it sed it was "A Series of Brief Documentaries". 

I watcht it, an thare wassent a single pair of briefs in it. 

S'just not rite. Yu shuddent teez a Bear like that.

I'm goin to complain....


Beedeebabee said...

You made me laugh out loud! Too adorable!!! xo

Buttons the Bear said...

Oh Bob you are too funny!
I'm sorry you were disappointed. Maybe you should make your own brief documentary of all your briefs. Show them how its done.

Ziggy Stardust said...

Bob T, I back you up completely. A thing should be what a thing is called.

Loveys Sasha(onerary bear)

Feronia said...

You should definitely write in, Bob :)

Beanie Mouse said...

This could be your next Charmin' campayne. You won that one, too.

Jerry and Ben said...

Such a disappointment Bob! Well, we added a little video today, no, it's not about pants, but it is beary British, and we thought you'd like it.

Tom said...

Very Informative! This blog is great source of information which is very useful for me. Thank you very much for sharing this!
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