WARNING: This blog is ritten in Bear English, wich is phonetic. An that is mor than yu can say abowt the werd "phonetic".

Monday, May 21, 2007

Good Lord!

I have just discuverd that I am number 4 on AussieJourno's weekly list of top blogs. Well, I am utterly humbold an so happy I will hav to empty the airing cubbod of pants an frolic them all over agen. Thank yu, evrywun, fer reeding my blog. I'm glad yu ar enjoying it. I am too. If yu hav eny kwestions or comments on its contents, please let me know. Till then, all I can say is "Wa-heyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" an throw my arms up at yu.


Shrink Wrapped Scream said...

Aww, you're top of the blogs, as far as I'm concerned, lil' bear!

(That's TWO awards you've earned this week.. think you came no.2 in the Blue Yak's, didn't you?)

david mcmahon said...

Hi BTBear,

Awesome style!



mcglinch said...

hey bear boy - congrats on both awards. better luck next time on blue yak.

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

Blue Yak had awards????? O my gosh. I better nip over there......thanks, Shrinky!

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

Cheers David :@}

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

Hullo McGlinch, does this mean yu won over at Blue Yak's place? Ishall hav to go an investigate. I was offline yestaday an it seems I've been missing lots of stuff.....