Fire hazerds an holidays
Yesterday's scores:
- Gills: no
- Simpsons: yes
- Tesco: yes, kwik vizit wiv Daddy, cos Mummy's not well, so we got her sum ginger ale. Yum!
- Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 10 wa-heyy!/10
- Day Score: 7.85219/10
Mummy's not too well at the mo', so I've been carfterin her wiv hed hugs an cups ov tea, an Dilly's been jus sort ov hangin abowt in her Nerse's hat, breevin fire now an then to keep her warm.
Mummy is warin thik clothes, not so much cos ov bein cold, mor cos ov the daynger ov Dilly breevin fire rownd her. So far weev lost the TV gide, a bank staytment, a postcard, three vershons ov a shoppin list an a bar ov choklit, the latter now a molten lump on the arm ov a chair. I hav been told to poynt owt that "she meens well". Yes, well, she singes well, too.
Meenwile, Daddy iz plottin an escaype to Ireland next week an weev all got to deside today wether or not weer goin too. Mummy sed she wud like to go on the plane, an get her ears to pop open, but she duzzent reelly want to go to Ireland. I'm not goin, cos wenever I go I get run over or kidnapt. Grayum sez he duzzent want to go if I'm not goin. So that jus leeves Dilly, an no wun wants to interrupt her at the moment in cayse they looz their eyebrows.
Bye fer now!
Hi Bob! Fank u foh bizitin me bwog diz mownun! U aw uh dood baow foh takin dood caow ov yo mawmaw wen dee cwiz! Dumdimez me wick duh teowz fwum me mawmawz faz wen dee cwiz an dat makez huh waff an hug me. Me yike me mawmawz hugz an lafftow! Taow Dilly hi foh me! Wuv, Chuck
Oh dear...give you Mum my best and hope she feels better soon. Don't catch any lurgys yourself will you! I'm sure Dilly looks great her nerses hat and bet that tea is good. Sad to hear the choklit got roasted though!!
Take care
Hullo Chuck!
Yeah, me an the Bears try to mayke Mummy larf an try to distrakt her wen sheez feelin low. If that duzzent help, we showt 'Bear Bundol!' an all jump on her hed at wunse fer a giant hug. THat yewzerly shoks her into doin sumthing.
I've been nibblin that choklit an do yu kno, it aint arf bad. Bit ov a smokey flayver, but yu get yewst to it arfta a wile.
Ginger ale usually helps me feel better. You are all good bears and dragon to help Mummy feel better.
Oh dear, poor mummy. It's coming around to that time of the year again when there are far more bugs than dragons flying about in the air.. hope she recovers soon before Dilly turns her in to a cheese-toastie. I think you're wise to stay put from Ireland, those rowdy cousins of yours were a bit of a handful for you last time around, as I recall..
Youw Mum is suwe to get bettew with youw hugs and tea and Dilly's wawmth,hehe,I'm suwe Dilly means well..just stay a safe distance..I wouldn't want you singed..choklit is still yummy even in a lump..I've twied it! I can come help nuwse if you need,last yeaw I helped nuwse my fwiend Jackson..I had a cute nuwsie's in an old post..oh and don't go to Irland..I suwe don't want you beawnapped!
smoochie kisses
O dear...
Your mummy and me I think have the same bug.
Who knew it could fly all the way from here to there?
I just made a witches brew of cough and cold tea, echinachea, cayenne pepper and honey.
Cleared up my head, but it tastes bleah...
Still maybe your mum should try it, it helps build up your immune system.
Here's a paca kiss for you and one for mummy *smooch*
Thanks for the dance, it musta worked becasue Narya is feeling better! :))
Oh! And maybe you could elect Dilly Official Tea Warmer and spare all of your eyebrows in the meantime!
Useful, and yet not dangerous!
Hello my sweet - I think you should come and stay with me rather than go to Ireland. They have 'lepreecorns' there who are nasty little creatures and probably quite jealous of special little bears like you. x
Thanks for the smile when I really needed one. Just trying to picture Dilly spitting fire was enough to make me laugh! Stay close to your Mum and give her lots of hugs...that's always a great cure. Take care and keep your distance from Dilly...until she stops flaming at least.
I hope Mummy gets better soon. Keep on witht he bear hugs. Can Dilly come and spend a few days with me? She could sit under my desk and keep my feet warm.
Fire on a plane is a bad combination I have heard... maybe she should stay, for everyones sake.
Bob, I think you should stay and adminster hugs and tea. That's what bears do best.
Bob, stay where it is warm! It is freeeeeeeeeeezing here today! I took Elsie for a walk and fortunately only stood in one cow pat, but it was hard, cos the ground was so cold.
I am giving some bears a new home....
2 X Footballers (dressed in red and white of course!), A ballerina, a
little bear peering out of a plant pot next to a trowel and 2 identical
bears sitting next to each other. These are all varying sizes with the
tallest being a footballer at 11cm and the smallest being the gardner
at 5.5 cms.
Just got them from Freecycle, said I could give them a good home! So you will have some more friends here in Yorkshire.
Give mummy a hug!
Hope Mummy is better again real soon. A little gentle nose stroking might help. (Mummy, that is). Poor Dilly! she's only being 'caring'. Hope you are going to watch England in the Rugby on Saturday. I get so carried away and shout and have hot flushes.
I'm wowwied about youw Mum...I suwe hope the medcin,and tea and hugs you'we giving hew awe helping...please add my smoochie kisses to the mix..they'we vewy healing too!
THank cu!
Ginger ale is grayte. I kwite like it wen the bubbols go up me nose :@}
As things ar goin, I mite be goin to Ireland arfter all. I'm wundrin wat I shud do by way ov defense. I'm praktissin my marshal arts today. I hope I can get enuff praktiss in in time.
I wish I had a nice doggy to come wiv me to Ireland as yu cud gard me wile I waz asleep!
Hehehee- paca kisses tickol!
Mummy has sum echinachea in tablet shape, wich she taykes an then pulls a face an goze "Bleagh!". She has been sippin ginger an hunny in hot warter. It maykes her smile.
Aha! Sumthin YEWSFUL fer Dilly to do? Werth a try!
Congrats on bein top blog this week, btw, an thanks fer takin the preshor off me! HEHE!
I've herd abowt them lepreecorns. They better not try enything wiv a Bear or I'll mayke them wish they wer wiv the fairies. Phwah!
calamity Jane,
Oh, yes pleez! I'm shor Dilly wud loooooooove to come an stay! Pleeez! Can I post her?
Pope Terry,
well she keeps bangin on abowt how she has wings so maybe she shud fly over by herself. I cud tayke her down to the cliffs an giv her a hed start...
Eevn better, I think we Bears shud get together an hav a piknik wile the others ar away ;@}
Mrs Nesbitt,
Oh! Oh! I'm lookin forwerd to seein yor new Bears!
hehehehe I larft abowt yor cowpat hehehee
weel wotch the rugby on the telly, I think. I'm a bit mifft that Oirlend issent in it tho. My nose had been lookin forwerd to that.
aww thank cu. Yes, all the hugs an wishes ar helpin. I took her fer a walk yestaday. We endid up at Tesco an I got her sum choklit. Wen we got bak we dunkt it in tea an watcht sum laydeez maykin stuff on QVC. ALways sends her asleep, that.
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