Farther's Day
Weekend's scores:
- Gills: no; resting
- Simpsons: yes
- Tesco: yes, for batterys for the camra so that we cud mayke a film ov me an Dorothy
- Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 6- but I waz lettin her win /10
- Overall Score: 8ish/10
WOW! Weev bin bizzy showin Dorothy arownd, an teechin her stuff like how to play "Bear! Not-a-Bear!" so that she can teech it to evrywun wen she goze on her travols rownd the werld.Yestaday waz Farther's Day heer in the UK so wen we went to Tesco I ran off separitly to buy him sumthing. Dorothy cayme too. She has reelly tayken to riding on the trolley:
This is wun ov my grayte presents. It's a pen that yu can rub owt. It's for wen Daddy maykes staykes wen he duz Suduko puzzols. (He yewzerly duzz an he showts "D'oh!" an maykes evrywun jump, speshly Granny, hoo never noze wat he did or wat he showtid. She just noze sumthing mayde a lowd noyze.)
Heer is my uther grayte present. It's choklit lollypops wiv pikchers from the Kung Fo Panda film on them:
Heer is my card, wich is the best card ever!
It haz 2 Bears on it, both wiv bloo pants on theyer heds!!!!
Yor my daddy,But it dident rime so I addid a "WA-HEYY!" to fix it.
wat can I say...
yor grayte
an I'm just like yu.
In the arftanoon we went to feed skwirrols in the park an show Dorothy the carsol so she cayme wiv us. I hav sum fotoes but I will post them nex time cos Mummy sez I haff to get off this thing now and let Dilly post on her blog. Pah!
Bye fer now!

Dilly pwesents be better!
Wow you guys have such adventures! I took my Dad for a walk and then left him a present outside. My Mom has heard about the store you went to on her favorite show The F Word and wants to come and visit someday.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
Should uv done summit for my dad!
I'm l;oving the gifts especially the pen - Good old Tesco
good present for his soduko puzzles! and good suckers, great card...i think you and dilly are tied in the best present department!
Enyway, mine wer better.
Chicamom85 (I still wud like to meet yor 84 siblings)
Yu left a present for him owtside- HHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Hahahahahaaaaaaaa!
I kno wat yu did! Hehe!
Yu an Jo cud hav goost him an gayve him a nise serprize that way!
i beati,
Yes, I think the pen waz an exslent choyse but he hassent let me hav a go on it yet.
Ms Creek
OoooooooYUK! Sorry. It waz just the idea ov bein tied to Dilly...
Your Dad is lucky to have such great bears to give him such nice cards and gifts. We got something here called Heinz beans at our Tesco owned store. They are apparently BRITISH!
You did well for your Dad, Bob - love the card! - and so nice of you to help out by sharing the lollipops.
I think your presents were great too! You and Dilly are so different from each other there is no chance the two of you would ever get the same things for your daddy. I hope he had a great day. But then again, it involved chocolate, so it must have been good!
Goober love,
Joe Stains,
Yeah Heainz Baked Beans! Hehee! Hav them wiv eggs an bacon an sossidges! OR hav them on toast!! Yeah! Hav them on toast!! Scrum!
Heainz Baked Beans
Good for yor heart
But eet too menny
an they mayke yu fart!
I'm a nice Bear!
Yu got that rite! Dilly allways seems to veer on the side ov sumthing to do wiv bathing. Or enything wiv a bow on it.
The choccie was scrum!
Love the card! My mom almost bought that one for me to give to my dad @ Wal-Mart.
Cool pen! Wonder if they have those at Wally World too?
Dat card iz amazin!! Wat a grayte day yu guys had together. =D
I miss daddy. I called him on Farther's Day, I wish I could hug him.
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