WARNING: This blog is ritten in Bear English, wich is phonetic. An that is mor than yu can say abowt the werd "phonetic".

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Scrummy dizzerts.... an HELPPPPP!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday's scores:
  • Gills: No
  • Simpsons:yes
  • Tesco: no
  • Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 6 (I waz hewmerin Zed) /10
  • Overall Score: 7.26115/10

Lots haz been goin on heer at Granny's.

At the weekend, Daddy cayme to vizit. Do yu kno, he went to Football on the way- WIVOWT ME!!!!! Onnistly. I am owt ov his site for wun week an allreddy he is off doing stuff wivowt me. It jus shows yu. I am a much under-apryshyaytid Bear. Sumtimes I find myself wundering if he reelly diserves me.

Enyway.... on SUnday we awl went for a drive. We went down lots ov country laynes to show Granny the larst ov all the ortum leevs. It waz fun an we sor lots ov bunnys.

We stoppt at a crarft sentor an had Sunday Lunch. I waz a very geneross Bear (as is my ilk) an I shared all my dizzerts:

Heer is me sharin my coffee an walnut cayke wiv Daddy:
Heer is me sharin my lemon cheezcayke wiv Granny:
Heer is me sharin my treekol tart wiv Mummy:

See? I's geneross. I's WELL geneross.

This Sunday we ar awl goin bak home! An we ar taykin Granny too! She is coming to stay for a week. We ar also goin to bring the cats to liv wiv us now as they needs lots ov carfterin.
Heer is ware I need yor urgent help!!!! Dilly keeps tryin to put catnip on me!!!!! She is eevn runnin a poll abowt it on her blog. Pleez can yu go an vote "NO"!!! I'm allreddy small an the sayme culler as a mowsie. Mr Scooter an Miss Fluffy don't need eny mor encurridgement!!!!

Bye fer now!


Sandy Kessler said...

Hey great treats Walnut tarts is granny feeling better?

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

Hey Sandy!
Granny is lots better an is startin to be more like Granny! :@}

Lynda (Granny K) said...

Good to hear you have all been out and about and that Granny is feeling better. Those puddins look yummy. I'm a bit partial to treacle tart myself.

Now i'm jus goin over to Dillys to see what she is up to, don't worry Bob, I think the cats will realise you are not a mouse.

mrsnesbitt said...

The deserts look fantastic Bob!
Guess what.........


Julie said...

Yummy dezerts Bob, I speshly like lemon cheezcayke and treekol tart is lishus too. You do look smart in your luvly jumper!

BumbleVee said...

oooops, sorry Bob....I already voted....and..uh... seeing as I thought it might be a larf to watch the cats have their way with you... well,..erm.......I did vote for catnip

CherryPie said...

Coffee & Walnut, Lemon and Treacle my favourite three!! You are amazing for sharing those :-)

Feronia said...

What a generous bear you are, Bob, sharing all those scrummy looking desserts...!

Joe Stains said...

You were nice to share desserts even though you didnt get to go to football. Have a safe trip home!

Two French Bulldogs said...

You lucky little bear...what a great snack. We love your cable knit sweater
Benny & Lily

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Oh no, Try to stay away from the cat nip.
Sally Ann

Asta said...

Oh my dog BOB
That is tewwible ! How could sweet little Dilly do such a thing..I'll go wight ovew and stwaighten hew out!
You awe incwedibly genewous specially aftew having been left out of the football game and all..I'm not suwe I would have shawed as well.
I'm glad Gwanny is going wif you and you can continoo to cheew hew and tke good cawe of hew
smoochie kisses

Ziggy Stardust said...

I am happy that Granny is doing well and is coming for a visit. Dilly!!!!! Ewwwwwwwwwwwww cat nip, you will be violated in some awful way. It cannot happen. I will go and vote on Dillys blog right now.You are generous, I would not have shared

licks and sniffs Sasha

Buttons the Bear said...

I rushed over to vote no on Dilly's blog and forgot to come back to comment here. Sorry, between the worry over Dilly's diabolical plan and the sugar high I got just reading about those yummy deserts, my fluff brain failed.

Glad granny is beginning to feel like herself again.


Ellie Creek Ellis said...

Your dad does deserve you, he just wanted to go to the game, but you weren't there! You know he loves you!

Good news on granny!

You sure a good bear to share ALL those deserts with everyone. Why did you have so many? lol

Headed to Dilly's right now!

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

Hey, thanks for all the comments, peeps! Wa-hey!
