WARNING: This blog is ritten in Bear English, wich is phonetic. An that is mor than yu can say abowt the werd "phonetic".

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Viziting hopsikol agen


All bizzy rownd heer cos Granny is in hopsikol agen. But this time, cos she moovd, it is Colchester hopsikol, abowt 3 miles from our howse, so it is a bit better to run abowt an bring her stuff like books abowt cats, speshol biskits an cleen pajarmas.

I went to vizit her an I arskt her wat culler her poo was. Daddy told me off but it is a legitymet medical enkwyery!

Mummy sez the doctors heer ar better so they mite be abol to help Granny mor this time. I hope so. I don't noe wen she will be owt ov hopsikol, but she will come an stay wiv us for a few days befor goin home. I hope she will be heer for my berfday. I allreddy hav a grayte present from Beanie I want to sho her, an I want to share my cayke wiv her.

Bye fer now!


Anonymous said...

I like that Granny is nearby. It's closer to bring hugs. Hugs are great medicine.

Beanie Mouse said...

Oh I'm so glad it arrived in time!! I had fun making that!!!

i beati said...

appy almost birthday and much love to granny and the fluffies sandy

CherryPie said...

It is good that granny is nearby it makes hospital visiting so much easier. I have had more than my fair share of hospital visits over the last few years so I know what it is like.

Some *big hugs* to you an mummy xxx

Asta said...

I'm sowwy youw Gwannie is hospital again, but so glad it's a bettew place wif good cawe and closew to you. I know you showing up will always help youw Gwammie get bettew. I will cwoss my paws that she can help you celebwate youw special biwfday.
I'll be thinking of you eating lots of yummies togethew
smoochie kisses

Feronia said...

Much love to you and your granny, Bob. I hope she is much improved soon. Hugs to all xx

Two French Bulldogs said...

aaahhh...all good thoughts for Granny
Benny & Lily

Marlowe said...

I hope your grandma feels better soon!!

Happy birthday early!

Julie said...

I hope granny is feelin a bit better. It's good that she's near home now, it's much easier for your Mummy to visit.

Have a super dooper birfday on Monday! xxxx

The Teddy Bear Family said...

Hope Granny is feeling better. And, why did Mommy laugh about your important medical query?

Stardust said...

Bear hugs, sad to heer oll dat but I'm thinking of Granny an oll at home. Wishin things get beary better soon.

Jackie said...

Happy Berfday Bob. I hope Granny is getting better.