WARNING: This blog is ritten in Bear English, wich is phonetic. An that is mor than yu can say abowt the werd "phonetic".

Thursday, June 06, 2013

Magic Trees


Sasha got me thinking abowt magic trees. Thinking a lot, akchewally.
Mummy had a book wen she was littol calld the Magic Faraway Tree an sez it waz wun of her fayvrit books.
I think a magic tree wud be ace. Tell me, wud a boy dog pee up agenst a magic tree? An if he did, wat wud happen to his pee? Or his leg? I rekon his pee wud turn into shampayne if he wer a grown up dog, an cola if he wer ownly littol. Then I think his paws wud get magic powers an he'd tern into a Ninja dog an go POW! at cats an skwirrels an smaller dogs in the park. Hehehee....



Sandy Kessler said...

You can be buried as a tree when you pass on .did you know that ??

Jerry and Ben said...

We're trying to get Papa to build us a tree fort in the crab apple tree in the backyard so that we can play pirates and pretend that we're attaching a Spanish fort, argh!

Beanie Mouse said...

An if it was a magic tree, it would grow honey popsicles!!!!!

Beanie Mouse said...

You know, this sounds like a book. "Bob And His Magic Oakey Tree". You could rite it an dror pikchas in the sketchy book I'm sending you!!!

Two French Bulldogs said...

We are going to pee on a magic tree. Oh, where is it?
Benny & Lily

Di said...

Snort, oh Bob - I'm off out to find me some trees :)

Hugs, Di xx

Feronia said...

His pee would turn into a rainbow, Bob! :)

Buttons the Bear said...

Wouldn’t it be great, if the magic of the tree turned out to be MONEY! Oops,
I meant HONEY!! Lots of HONEY! Although, lots of MONEY would be nice too! :D