Funny pengwins
Recent scores:
- Gills: No, weer still on hollyday.
- Simpsons: No, wich issent reelly good enuff!
- Tesco: No, wich is eevn worse!!!
- Nose Hugs Surprizisity Score: 10 /10 haha got Daddy wile he was washing up!!
- Overall Score: 7.4/10
Me an Daddy hav been mostly eatin Pengwin bars this week. Do yu get them ware yu liv? Heer is a pikcher ov them. They ar WELL nice:
I like to dunk 'em in Daddy's cups of tea an then suk the gooey choklit. Inside is a nice thik chokky biskit wiv choklit creem in the middol. Yumbol!
Thare ar pengwin jokes on the paks. Heer ar 2:
Q: what is black an wite an red?
A: a pengwin wiv sunburn.
(NOT, as Daddy sed, a nun wiv a javelin throo her nek, cos that's 'wat's blak an wite an red an can't tern rownd in an alleyway?' Daddy wunce told that joke to a nun calld Sister Veronika. She was not amewsed.)
Q: how duz a groop of pengwins mayke a dicision?
A: they flipper coin. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA they flipper coin!!! Do yu see wat they did thare??
Pengwins ar grayte fun.